Keegan Swenson joins us to talk about his Leadville and Breck Epic wins and to help us answer your questions on training with bad air quality, finding your strengths and weaknesses and much more. Tune in now and get faster!

Keegan Swenson joins us to talk about his Leadville and Breck Epic wins and to help us answer your questions on training with bad air quality, finding your strengths and weaknesses and much more. Tune in now and get faster!
What muscle fiber type is best for cycling, how do you influence it, and how much of it is genetic? We’ll cover this as well as pro cyclist data and why many athletes don’t share it, how to race in dangerous circumstances and manage crashes and much more in Episode 316 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
Get an inside look into why and how we updated all of our training plans with data from Adaptive Training, a question from a pro cyclist on how World Tour racing differs from amateur racing, how to best use Left/Right Balance and more in Episode 308 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
Getting used to race intensity can be jarring, so how do you prepare yourself before race day? We’ll cover this, a deep dive on outside interval training, various discussions on what affects recovery and how to manage it, and much more in Episode 305 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
Group riding is one of the great joys of cycling. Drafting lets you go much faster than you would on your own, and the camaraderie of others is a powerful motivation to push your limits. If you understand the crucial skills, techniques, and etiquette of group cycling, you can be a faster, more efficient, and safer cyclist on your next group ride.
Learn from Amber Pierce, Alex Wild and Pete Morris how they read a race like a pro, how much time you need to recover between A-Races, how to use injuries to get faster and much more in Episode 295 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
When Egert Purre decided to race the 2020 Estonian Time Trial National Championship he didn’t think he had a shot at winning. At best he hoped to earn third in his age group, and ideally he’d finish in the top five. His performance on race day told a different story though. Egert left everything he had out on the course and ended up finishing with the fastest time in his age group.
Weight goals can seem like they are at odds with power goals, but there is a healthy way to achieve both. We’ll cover this as well as whether it is better to struggle through a workout or bail early, what is the definition of “junk miles” and if they have a place in training, and much more. Tune in now to Episode 291 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
Is low cadence more naturally efficient than high cadence, how to perform in high-pressure situations, the hosts’ favorite equipment choices and more in episode 285 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
We’ve all been there—nearing the finish of a ride or race with exhausted legs and more steep hills yet to come. Facing steep climbs near the end of a ride is a challenge. But it’s one that you can overcome with training, planning, and these tips.