Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast Training
How Training Changes Your Body, Matching Nutrition With Intensity & More – Ask a Cycling Coach 140

What changes happen in your body at different intensities, how to match nutrition with your workouts, a coach’s guide to using TrainerRoad & more in this episode of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Topics covered in this episode
- TrainerRoad workouts now have thumbnail images in Strava!
- Why you should consider refining your pedaling technique
- Aero positioning and its affect on performance
- Ketosis and cycling – are they a good match?
- What happens to your body during a sweetspot interval
- Should your nutrition change as intensity increases?
- How much fluid does it take to digest food while riding?
- How to warmup for short triathlons
- How to use TrainerRoad with a coach
- A coach’s guide to using TrainerRoad
For more cycling training knowledge, listen to the Ask a Cycling Coach — the only podcast dedicated to making you a faster cyclist. New episodes are released weekly.