Exogenous ketone esters are a hot topic in cycling. In our second conversation with Dr. Chiel Poffe, we learn about his research into using ketone esters to benefit recovery from high-volume training.

Exogenous ketone esters are a hot topic in cycling. In our second conversation with Dr. Chiel Poffe, we learn about his research into using ketone esters to benefit recovery from high-volume training.
If you’ve been paying attention to professional cycling over the last few seasons, you’ve probably heard talk of ketone esters. Can this substance improve performance? And if so, how?
What changes happen in your body at different intensities, how to match nutrition with your workouts, a coach’s guide to using TrainerRoad & more in this episode of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast. Topics covered in this episode TrainerRoad workouts now have thumbnail images in Strava! Why you should consider refining your pedaling…