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Our Training Plans are Improving

For the foreseeable future, we’re using data to make incremental improvements to our training plans. We’ve got the data! We’ve got years and years of high quality, accurate data on how our users complete TrainerRoad workouts. We know their age, their watt/kg, how often they’re training, their history and where they are in a plan.…

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Introducing the New TrainerRoad Calendar, Forum, and Pricing

Today’s a big day for TrainerRoad and I have three major things to share with you. A best in class training calendar A new TrainerRoad forum for people to share how to get faster Updated $15/month and $129/year pricing which goes into effect on Oct 8th, 2018. The All-New TrainerRoad Calendar A calendar might seem…

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New Personal Records Analysis: Is Your Training Working?

Performance Analytics joins your indoor and outdoor ride data into a set of tools designed to make you faster while leaving out the bloat. This post is dedicated to Personal Records (PRs). Personal Records = Personal Wins Power-based Personal Records are my favorite kind of feedback. It doesn’t matter who showed up to the race,…

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New Training Stress Chart: Track Progress and Get Faster

TrainerRoad is launching a major new feature area we call Performance Analytics. This is the first post of three where I’ll be diving into a feature in depth. This post will be dedicated to our new Training Stress chart. Process vs. Results Performance analytics is built around the concept of improving your behavior to influence…

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Introducing Performance Analytics

Today I’m excited to announce a new major feature area for TrainerRoad. We call it Performance Analytics. We think that cycling analytics today are overblown, overcomplicated and bloated for 99.9% of riders out there. Our goal was to develop an easy-to-use set of tools that show you exactly what you need to become faster, while…

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