Where did the option to change plan volume, training days etc go?

I used to be able to access that by clicking on the plan name in calendar but I don’t see it now

Make sure to open the annotation linked to your current training phase within PB, likley not the original PB one if you are into a following phase.

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This is what I get when i click on the title

That is from opening the annotation on your calendar, thru which exact interface?

I get this via web and my current phase.

Did you add that phase manually as a stand-alone, or using the plan builder tool?

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That’s probably the issue, but would be good to confirm via support.


Ad-hoc plans (ie manually added phases) cant be changed in volume the same way a plan from Plan Builder can, sorry for the confusion! You’ll just need to delete and re-apply the plan to change volume for ad-hoc plans.
If you need to adjust a plan you are currently in, you can backdate the plan to when you originally started that training phase when deleting and re-applying. That way, you keep the same plan structure and jump to the same week of the plan you were in prior.