This is a Place to Learn, Disagree and be Entertained
This is a place to talk about all things bike or triathlon-related (including nutrition and weight training).
Have a question about the app, your training plan, or device?
Reach out to instead of posting here. Our support team has the best visibility and insight into your devices, workouts and adaptations, and will help get you the most efficient and effective answer to your question.
There are just a few rules 
- Be excellent to each other
- Challenge the idea, don’t attack the person
- Contribute Constructively
- Don’t break the law
- Keep it tidy
1. Be Excellent to Each Other
Speak to people like you would in person. It sounds simple but the forum can be so much more valuable if we just show each other a little kindness. This includes the person you may be talking to directly, as well as anybody or group that is being discussed. This is simply not a place to not be kind to people, groups of people, organizations, etc.
2. Challenge the Idea, not the Person
This builds on rule #1. The best arguments focus on the idea rather than the person who’s communicating the idea, whether it’s someone on the forum or a public figure. Let’s avoid making things personal and strive to live in the “counterargument” and above. And opinion is important! This is cycling, lots of stuff is subjective.
3. Contribute Constructively
Constructive debate creates a safe place for people to respectfully express their opinions and learn through the process of debate. It is an amazing thing when it works, so keep comments well-intentioned and act in good faith. If your comment only serves to create dissent or inhibit a conversation, please keep it to yourself!
Additionally, if you are belaboring a point that is already understood, don’t post about it anymore. Continuing to do this when it is no longer helpful and not wanted is a form of harassment, and that won’t be tolerated.
4. Don’t Break the Law
Linking to copyrighted cycling videos is a no-no. Don’t link to those knock-off frames and helmets that look cheap but could actually injure another cyclist.
Don’t share images, videos, links, or other info about products that have leaked through NDA violations. If it hasn’t been obtained directly through you through legal means, don’t share it.
Normal stuff like that, don’t be stupid.
5. Keep it Tidy
We’re using a Discourse forum and it has a lot of cool features. Please use the appropriate category and add tags when you post.
Can I post my affiliate link on the Forum, buy, or sell race entries or goods?
No. Hosting transactions on the forum presents an opportunity for a lot of spam, and for a lot of athletes to get bummed out if a buy/sell transaction goes awry. That said, hosting affiliate links presents an equally slippery slope, whereby hosting, we open the door to a lot of ‘spam’ that may not be legit.
We know you want to be able to reach the greatest audience possible when trying to get rid of a race entry or equipment, but we’re invested in making sure the forum experience is safe and secure for everyone involved; so no buy/sell.
We want to avoid that, and instead, focus on making the Forum a great place where athletes can share their experiences about TrainerRoad, and talk together about how to get faster.
If you do that, it will be much easier for other users to find content in the future.
A Note On Flagging and Moderation
The priority for our moderators is to maintain a welcoming, respectful, positive, and constructive forum climate. As a result, moderators will be using their own discretion to assess if people are exemplifying the spirit of the rules, or strategically walking the line, and extending warnings and/or bans as they see fit.
If you see a post you believe doesn’t follow any of the guidelines above, flag it and a moderator will take a look.
Our policy is to generally not enforce “Off-Topic” flags— good conversation goes off on tangents sometimes, and we’re ok with that.
But we will remove posts that violate the guidelines, and we do reserve the right to use our discretion in doing so.
Feature Requests
Constant improvement is one of our core values, and from big features to small fixes, we’re always trying to make TrainerRoad better. A huge part of that process is user feedback—we read and consider every suggestion we receive about how to improve TrainerRoad, and if you have an idea you’d like to share, the best way is by emailing it to
While we do sometimes discuss details of our future roadmap on this forum, our product development priorities are always subject to change, and we can’t offer updates here on individual feature timelines or schedules.
That’s it! Enjoy the forum!