Increasing weight with the goal of increasing absolute FTP

There was a guy in my college club team like that. I’m not good at guessing weight, but thicc boi. Absolute monster on the flats, but then of course died on any hill/mountain.
I’ve started doing a bit of Stronglifts 5x5 and got to the point where I was squatting 5x5 @ 1x bodyweight. Like you said, soldier on!

@stevemz Very interesting, thanks. I’d love to learn more about where that inflection point takes place, but I suspect that would involve being on a pro team, etc. Not some casual info.

@wiscokid 100% relate. Because like… Okay, so say you train your ass off and get to 4.5w/kg. Great effort, but then still struggling more on the flats or gravel than a larger rider with a higher absolute FTP. Very interesting.