Workouts seem easy after initial FTP. Should I retest or adjust my ftp?

Two ramp tests, 8 days apart. I’m predicting that to be a very unpopular plan :smile: Honestly, I don’t think there is a reason to do this. When I did my first couple of TR training blocks I was very conscious of trying to hit every target TSS, IF and calorie number. If I finished a workout and I was under, I’d think I didn’t get the most out of the workout. When I would do an FTP test at the start of the next block. I would be worried that I could have given more and that my result wasn’t my “real FTP” and the next 4 or 6 weeks of training I’d be selling myself short. Like some kind of training guilt or something, definitely some screwed up training psychology though.

Having done it for a while, I’ve realized that a few watts here and there is not going to make that much of a difference. What is much more important is training consistency. Getting in your regular 3 high intensity workouts every week, even if they are at 98% of what you could have done, and then recovering properly to absorb the stress is what will unlock your performance improvements. Think long term, not just in this one test or this one workout. You are not robbing yourself of gains, I promise.