What else are you doing besides riding?

Yard work, dogs are getting walked a lot, even ran a bit the other day. Dont worry I didnt like it nearly as much as bike riding.

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I’m interested but can’t speak a word. Are you using an app?

I am using Duolingo to learn words and sentences + whatever other resources I could find to learn kana.
Kanji is a whole different world.

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Nice set of earplugs for your good lady perhaps?

Homeschooling 6 year old. Entertaining 18 month old. Cleaning the house more because we’re all here all the time. Letting my wife get a workout in. Cooking more.

Things I’m not doing:
Writing my pHD thesis (no time thanks to all of the above).

Amen to that. This has enabled (forced) me to see what it should be like. It’s a desparately sad time for a lot of people but I’m hoping a lot of positives can come from it too. I’ve rarely seen so much goodwill and compassion on display and I personally think this could be the start of a big reset for me in terms of balance. I thought I was doing it pretty well with working from home one day a week but I now realise that’s nowhere near enough.

I now see my family most of the time, I can look after myself a ton better too. I no longer feel like I’m squeezing my own needs in arund everything else. The simple pleasure of being able to choose when I workout, no commute, no getting dressed up for work everyday to conform etc. This probably says I’m in the wrong job but like many I feel trapped by the responsibility for a steady income and have been too afraid to rock that boat.

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Working full time and home schooling a 5 year old whist ensuring a 1 year old doesn’t stick anything too dangerous up his nose. Would love to be bored right now :slightly_smiling_face:


Trying to build my van, a slow progress

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Working from work. “Essential worker”. I work for a place that makes the materials which goes into soaps and sanatizers so we’re busy.

That said they’ve told us to do some WFH when we can which has opened up a few extra hours a week. So I’ve been trying to tackle a few home improvement projects. I’m currently updating my basements electrical service, getting in more lighting etc.

Soooooo much yard work and household projects. My dogs also enjoy the 1.5 miles of walking they get everyday! Also, lots of push ups, pull ups, and more importantly, beer curls!

Still working a schedule in the airline biz which is just weird right now. We have 3 teens under our roof. One is a 17 yo French foreign exchange student who has fallen in love with an 18yo young man. They literally can not keep apart/hands off each other and it has gotten a little much as her flight home to France in two days approaches. While we want them to enjoy each other and the final days here in the states, I’m just totally stressed she will get sick and not be able to return; get pregnant; get hurt; or just not come home.

So for now I work, ride and keep track of teen agers.

Separated from my ex 2 years ago…have been using online dating but that is probably not a good idea at present so…apart from working from home and being on the rota to support key worker pupils at school (day one of which is tomorrow) I have been reading a lot of crime fiction, playing a hell of a lot of PS4 ….big time consuming rpg and survival horror (they have remade the Resident evil games of my youth!) and binge watching scandi noir boxsets on TV - oh and most importantly being sat on by my cat! :laughing: :cat2:

Working from home, which always turns into longer hours. This week has been 6am starts, and 9-11hr days. On top of that, parenting 4 kids. Feeling too burned out to do much else, but there is beer and wine at the end of tomorrow! :frowning:

Working my usual shifts, but the bonus of 3 days off is now negated so 5am starts or night shifts kinda suck! But I am in a much better place than some so mustn’t grumble.

Is getting me time to get some more SQL skills though which is very cool.

Eating too much.

That too! This working from home means I’m a lot closer to snacks.

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Working, pretty much solidly, on this: Coronavirus: NHS uses tech giants to plan crisis response - BBC News

TrainerRoad and Zwift are keeping me sane when I actually get a break! Also my wife made me do some yoga this morning to help with my stress levels. I do feel a bit more relaxed actually!

I’m not quite at the bitter tears of self-loathing stage just yet but had plans for getting a first rough draft in fairly soon and starting to make viva arrangements.

That’s out the window now. Hopefully things can calm down a bit soon and I can get finished by the end of this year!

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Unfortunately, and also very fortunately, I still have to do my day job Mon-Fri, 0800-1700 as I can, and am working from home. So really my days are pretty normal, all things considered.

Two birds w/ one stone: Henning Mankell. :+1:

Also started watching The Valhalla Murders.