Tip to continue a training plan after a finished one…

TR built a customized plan for me (for a very step HARD climbs mtb race), and unfortunately, I retired today in the half race because a cramp on a leg and I didn’t have my best mental tough ready to suffer day…)… also didn’t help a 3 weeks hiatus (2 holidays weeks that TR take in consideration, and just after that, 1 week with a flu) a month ago…

Now I would like to try a polarized plan. I should keep the remaining easy week of plan for that race, right? Then, should I go for the 8 weeks base polarized plan? Or jump for the 6weeks build polarized plan as I have been training last weeks for the race?

That makes sense to me! I think the next plan depends on your next event?

Sorry to hear about the cramp! Did you fuel enough?

No next event for now, just destroy my friends! :heart_eyes:

Yes, I think I did fuel correctly.
I am not used and I don’t like long climbs, especially if they are hard and steeeeeep…

Honestly, seeing my TSS fitness chart, I think my fitness was destroyed because the 3 weeks on a row hiatus… From a high level on chart, just straight to the bottom, 3 weeks before the race…