Specialty ends one week early

I’m starting specialty plan next week and I was looking at the calendar and noticed it ends one week before Intelligentsia Cup starts. This is a 9 day ominium with crit races.

I had a little hiccup during build that had me change my schedule. How should i go about filling the schedule to end my taper in time for the start of the series?

Should i take an extra rest week? Repeat week 7 of specialty for one week?

I’d rather go into the racing a little too rested than have done too much work since it is 9 straight days of racing.

I think that i might have come up with a solution.

I’m going to replace week 4 of specialty with week 8 and then do the recovery week for week 5.

So the weeks of specialty would go as follow: 1, 2, 3, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

This seems to keep the final couple of week the same and won’t have me overly fatigued with too much work going into the races.

I would just add an additional Week 6 or 7 rather a week of adaptation before a week of adaptation.

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I had the same question. Just re-do the taper week.

9 weeks is a long time away. Worry about filling in spare time when you know it is spare.

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The speciality plans usually note that you can repeat the last week 4 or 5 times if you need to.

This. Life happens

a hiccup meaning you skipped training? Or what does that mean.

With Intelli a ways out, just continue on with the plan if you aren’t used to moving things around much. Work it backwards and see where the gap is