Reduce volume in the middle of SSB

Hello everyone.i finished SSB1 HV(missed 2-3 workouts due fatigue or no time) and I had to be away for a week due to high stress family holidays.Now am back and ready to resume training but am thinking to go for SSBII MV due really stressful work, not proper recovery and lack of time especially at the weekdays no more than an hour or hour and a half tops.Is this the best solution for me or you have another recommendation.

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Would you be able to redo SSB1 HV? and just chooce higher IF workouts for the days you don’t have enough time for the original ones.
Also would skip the wednesday workout if the load is too high.

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I think it depends on what you mean by stressful work and not proper recovery. Additionally, what are your goals for the year and why did you decide to tackle the high volume plan? Another alternative to mid-volume would be to tackle the low volume plan and then add additional aerobic or sweet-spot rides as your schedule allows. The TrainerRoad crew constantly talks about modifying the plan as necessary and that you can get pretty fit on 3 or 4 days of focused training. Better recovery=better training.

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Yes, I think switching to SSBMV is a good idea in your case.

SSBHV is a special program that has zero workouts at or above threshold. I would think that any substitution in this plan must be done very carefully, because volume is one of the primary goals, and substituting volume with intensity might derail the effort.