Bring Old Training Plans Back as an Option

I would like to be able to re-use old training plans in my history. I used to be able to copy/paste an old plan, but the new calendar “upgrade” removed this option. Why take away a functionality that has already existed? Removing a feature is a downgrade, not an upgrade. More options is a good thing. Fewer choices is a bad thing.

In addition, I used to be able to see training plans history. That has now also been removed. It would be particularly useful to see training plans history in one place similar to FTP history.

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Hey there. Can you explain what you mean by copy/paste an old plan? I’m unaware of any past ability to reuse an old training plan. Custom plans are specific to a date range, goal, and current fitness, so copying and pasting one doesn’t sound like a great idea, training-wise.

In case you’re referring to adding individual training phases to your calendar, these are still available. You can find these in the Training Plans section under “Training Phases”.

I’m also not entirely sure what you’re referring to when you mention you used to be able to see your training plan history. I totally agree seeing all your past plans in one place like you can with your FTP history this would be a really cool feature to add, but I’m unaware of this having been available in the past. I will add it to our list of suggested future improvements!

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Hey there, I used to be able to go back in my history and re-apply on old plan, like my favorite now discontinued Sweet Spot (SS) plans. It continued to adopt as intended. SS have now been replaced by General Base (GB). However, it does not follow the same training structure.

I understand that introduction of threshold workouts in the base phase has increased compliance rate in the build phase, leading to consistency and progress through the phases, it, nonetheless, does not make for effective way to build base fitness. This maybe beneficial to new users, but it is unhelpful for users with many years of training. Base phase is also a good time for weight training. There’s simply not enough time to recover between threshold intervals and weigh training 2-3 times a week.

While we can debate the merits of this, and SS had some bad rep recently, as a user I would like the freedom to define my training objective. I know i can do ah hoc workouts, or modify GB, but that’s missing the point. You already had a feature that was useful. Why remove it?

Alternatively, if you could make legacy plans available for use that would be terrific!

As to the second part, I believe there was a place were one could see history of all plans on one page. At the very least I could see it by scrolling through career history. I am no longer able to get that info anywhere on the app.

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Welcome to the forums.

Just going to address this - a product isn’t better because it retains all legacy features that lead up to its current state. Quite often this would mean a whole mish mash of irrelevant or conflicting features that make the product overly complex and harder to support. So the principle in your mind isn’t a valid one imho.

On the desired plan, have you tried copying a week from when you did that plan and pasting it into the future?


The point is not to maintain all legacy features, but to keep useful legacy features. There is currently no base plan in the offer that does not feature threshold intervals. Copying and pasting a week does not allow for adopted training. Not to mention that it is tedious when a legacy feature addressing all these issues already exist. Hence the subject matter of this post.

The calendar update nixed that copy/paste a whole week feature. I requested this to be brought back over in the thread for the new calendar. I had previously done exactly what you suggested, copy/paste the weeks from my history to re-create the old SSHV plan.


Traditional Base is what you probably want. The 1st two blocks do not have threshold if I remember correctly.

Traditional base has a completely different structure. The SS and TB are not comparable.

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One of our core values is “Constant Improvement” and in that spirit, our plans have consistently evolved over time. Each year we’ve made adjustments based on our athletes’ results, feedback, and progress in the science of training and coaching. When we find updates that will make you faster, we make those updates!

The old High Volume Sweet Spot Base plan you’re referring to was always a bit of an outlier. It was a very difficult plan for many of our athletes to successfully follow, and we used to actively encourage most athletes to follow a mid or low volume plan instead. For the minority of athletes would could handle such a high volume and training load, it was an effective plan, but our recent updates were intended to make our plans more effective for everyone. We do continue to offer Polarized and Traditional base options for those who prefer them.

I took a look at your account, and I see that for the past several seasons you’ve consistently had a difficult time successfully completing many workouts within that High Volume plan. Many workouts are cut short and there are frequent pedaling breaks within work intervals, and I’m seeing the same trend continuing this year. To me, this suggests a lower volume would probably be more productive and sustainable for you and would likely make you faster. Knowing this, I encourage you to build a custom plan this season and follow the recommendations. Your overall volume and amount of intensity will start a bit lower than you’ve attempted in the past, but it will be personalized to include what you’re able to productively handle, and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results. As the season progresses you can always add volume or even update your plan’s settings as your capabilities change.

Regarding the ability to copy and paste previous plan weeks, this was actually an unintentional omission, and adding it back is something we have on our list of planned updates to make in the coming weeks. I’ve moved this up our priority list in response to this thread.


Hi SeanHurely, I don’t know how you were able to analyze “several seasons” of my training to come to your conclusions so quickly, but you surely make a lot of assumptions. However, I wasn’t asking for a training advice. I’m only looking for a feature that was previously available to me. It sounds like you going to make it available back again soon, and I thank you for that!

As general feedback, I have been a TR user since around 2013 and always loved your app. However, beginning circa 2021, the “improvements” were mostly less than useful. If only you had stopped improving than …

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Huge +1 from me on bringing back or at least making available the old plans. Looking back at my lengthy history with TR. My best and most consistent gains occurred when I was following the SSB High Volume Plan.

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Another +1 from me for this idea.

I’ve been attempting to reconstruct old SSBHV from my back calendar. it’s a pain

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