Coach Chad is back! This week we dig into how VO2max affects FTP, why heart rate may be lower or higher for different people at different times, and discussions about positioning in aggressive groups, heat, crashing and more inspired by Tulsa Tough.

Coach Chad is back! This week we dig into how VO2max affects FTP, why heart rate may be lower or higher for different people at different times, and discussions about positioning in aggressive groups, heat, crashing and more inspired by Tulsa Tough.
How to get faster without a power meter, what a low heart rate actually means, a practical guide to Sweetspot training and more in Episode 284 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
A complete guide to planning your training for the year, power vs. heart rate and indoor training tips and gear we’re loving right now. All of this and more in Episode 134 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast! Topics covered in this episode TrainerRoad CX Nationals Athlete Panel Event We’re hiring three software…
It may seem counterintuitive to revert to base training every year after reaching new heights of performance, but this strategy pays dividends come race season. What is Base Fitness? Base fitness is synonymous with aerobic-base fitness, and this type of fitness is achieved via specific training that spurs particular physiological adaptations. Much like the name…
Alcohol is intimately related to cycling and racing in general. Post-ride trail brews, podium champagne and “recovery beers” are all a regular part of our cycling vernacular and culture, but if you’re trying to take your training seriously, should they be? The effects of alcohol on performance can be narrowed down to two things: how…
If you’re brand new to racing, it’s pretty straightforward to know which racing category you should start out in. But what if you’re coming back to racing? What category should you race and, more interestingly, what does it say about you as a racer? These are just a couple questions I’m about to dig into. Cycling…
Burnout is a common problem with serious cyclists, but recognizing burnout and differentiating it from common fatigue is necessary if your goal is to get faster. Here’s our guide to burnout — how to recognize it and what to do about it. What Is Burnout? Training hard makes you faster, but only when it’s structured appropriately. Every time…
Prioritizing your races throughout the year is a necessary part of building an annual training plan. By strategically planning your events, you can build fitness, confidence and experience that will give you the best chance at success for your big race day. Why Prioritize Your Events? Cyclists and triathletes tend to be very competitive people who…