Cycling Accessories to Maximize Your Indoor Training

Your indoor cycling setup doesn’t need to be glamorous. It just needs to work for you in terms of function and convenience. Here are some of the best cycling accessories to maximize your indoor training.
For more on cycling accessories and indoor cycling setups, check out Ask a Cycling Coach Ep. 253.
1. Fans and Cooling
Riding inside means that you won’t get the benefit of the natural airflow you’d get outside. One of the biggest and most frequent mistakes we see in indoor setups is a lack of cooling. To prevent overheating, use a fan that can blow a concentrated airstream at the body’s core. A blower-style fan is a better choice than a box fan because it puts out a tremendous amount of air in a focused stream.
Adaptive Training
Get the right workout, every time with training that adapts to you.
Check Out TrainerRoadWe like this fan because it has three speeds, adjustability, and two extra outlets on the side. You can even go a step further and pick up some remote-controlled outlets. These come in handy if you don’t want to get off the bike to turn your fans on after your warmup.
2. Sweat Guard and Towels
Even with your cooling dialed in, you’ll probably still work up a good sweat during a workout, and the stem and headset take the brunt of your hard work. Over time, sweat can corrode bolts, bearings, and expensive components. To help prevent sweat from getting there in the first place, a simple sweat guard is very effective. These types of sweat guards loop around the seat post and then attach to the handlebars.
You’ll also want some gym towels. Not only can you wipe sweat from your head or arms, but you can drape them over the handlebars. If you deal with sweat dripping into your eyes, the Halo headbands can make a big difference. They feature a silicone strip that channels the sweat away from the eyes—the best part is that you can use these for those hot outside rides too.
3. Entertainment Accessories
Whether you like to listen to music or watch a show while you train indoors, a great set of headphones can seriously improve your experience. For longevity, you’ll want a pair that has an IPX4 rating for water and sweat resistance. If you’re a heavy sweater, you’ll want something with a higher rating. Additionally, active noise cancellation is another nice feature to block fan noise so you can listen to your entertainment. Some of our personal favorites are the Apple Airpods Pro, Beats Fit Pro, and Jaybird Vista 2.

There are almost endless combinations for setting up your devices for training and entertainment. Some athletes like to have the TrainerRoad mobile app on a phone while watching something on a tablet or laptop. With TrainerRoad’s desktop app, you can use Minimal Mode to have both on the same screen.
4. Trainer Accessories
These days, trainers come loaded with features, but some indoor training accessories can maximize your experience. A great addition to your indoor setup is a trainer mat to help protect the floor from sweat and scratches. They are easy to clean and can help reduce trainer noise transmitted through the floor.
Another trainer accessory that has recently gained popularity is a rocker plate. It’s a flexible platform that adds a bit of movement and flexibility for increased comfort. That said, rocker plates can be expensive, and in our experience, cyclists either love them or hate them, so we recommend trying one before you buy. If you’d like to build one yourself, head over to the TrainerRoad forum for a complete guide on DIY Rocker Plates.
5. Convenience
Staying consistent with your training is one of the most critical factors to getting faster. And nothing aids consistency like convenience. The more convenient your setup, the easier you’ll find it to knockout workouts day after day. To keep things handy and within reach, we suggest a small table or stand near your bike, but a trainer desk like this one is beneficial. It’s adjustable, has two bottle holders, and has plenty of space to put devices.
It’s frustrating when you’re ready to hop on the bike, only to realize your headphones or phone are about to run out of battery. A dedicated charging station is helpful for just this moment. It’s probably a good idea to get a few extra cables to keep there as well.
While you don’t need anything other than a bike, trainer, and speed sensor to get started with TrainerRoad, these accessories can make your experience more enjoyable and help maximize your training. For more information on indoor cycling equipment, check out: Best Indoor Cycling Setup For Your Budget.
Share your favorite cycling accessories and recommendations in the comments below!