Why can't "Workout ended early" be overriden?

Yesterday I did a “Dinara” as an indoor ride but rode outside, which I do often enough, and completed the intervals. There was a 30+ minute easy cooldown at the end. I finished the ride 1.5 minutes “early” even though I had gone longer than planned workout due to extending the rest time between intervals a couple of times because I was getting through a spot on my route that was not going to be good for the interval. Anyway, The survey popped up and asked why I cut it short. When the survey pops up asking why I struggled I can say I didn’t and fill out the normal survey. It would be nice to be able to do this and get credit for the stretch VO2 max workout that I completed. Especially since the 30+ minutes of easy at the end is not going to be affected in any material way by doing 1.5 minutes less at 120W. Please help me figure out if there is a solution.


Hey @timdave13 :slight_smile:

Can you walk me though how you connected your devices to complete the Indoor Workout outside?

This will help me understand what may be happening.

I have a powertap power meter and wahoo HR strap both connected by Ant/Blutooth to my phone. I started the workout as an indoor workout but was riding outside using my phone to guide the intervals.

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Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like the ride data is coming from Strava which had your powertap power meter and Wahoo HR strap connected to it, and you were simultaneously running the TR app (with nothing connected to it) just to guide the intervals.

If so, not having power data on the TR app when saving the ride, causes the system to mark it as “Cut Short”.

You did, however, match the Strava ride file to the TR Workout you performed outside afterward, which tells the system that you completed the workout.

This situation is a bit tricky because the TR app is only meant to be used indoors. When performing a TR Workout outside, it is best to set the TR Workout as Outside and send it to a head unit to complete.

More info here:

If you don’t have a head unit to send a workout to, this “workaround” you experienced is kind of unavoidable… If anything upon finishing the workout, I would not save the “Indoor Workout” on TR, so that you can then set it to Outside and match it to the Strava file that syncs over.

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Thanks for the continued support. The details are just a little different. The sensors were connected to the TR app, not Strava since I don’t think they don’t support power. https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049550432-Pairing-Sensors-with-the-Strava-app

The data part is a bit of a diversion but important for understanding. Your suggestion is one that will help in the future,

The real question is “Why can’t I override the survey from the app” in the same way I can when it asks why I struggled to complete the workout?

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I do this for interval workouts too, & I simultaneously record power, cadence, HR, & speed on both the TR app (Android) & head unit (Lezyne Mega XL), but the caveat is that my head unit can only be allowed to connect via Ant+, in order to free up BT for the app. The sensors I use are monogamous on their BT channels but can simultaneously connect to multiple Ant+ computers. If yours are like this, check that your PM can output both BT & Ant+. Connect the TR app & search for all sensors before turning on your head unit. If your head unit steals the BT connection from TR, you may need to tell your head unit to forget your sensors & search again on Ant+ only. If you’re successful with that, the TR app will have all the sensor data & so will Strava.

Not sure about the actual question posed in the title though. :laughing:

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Sounds like a setup my brother @bochenek would use :joy:
I have no issues with sensors or anything, just want to note that ending a 1.5 hour workout 1.5 minutes early is not a failure.

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There must have been something in the workout data like too many stops since you were riding outside (as I mentioned, the TR app is not meant to be used outside) that triggered the Cut Short survey when you saved the TR Workout as indoor.

Now, did you by chance record the ride somewhere else? Because the workout data of the ride you mention is coming from somewhere else, as I see it has been matched to the Dinara workout with a Survey Response of Moderate and thus getting full credit for it.

To get the same effect you suggested I downloaded the fit file and modified it enough to get TR to recognize it as a different workout so that is why it looks like it came from another source and to get credit for it.

Anyway, the whole point of this question (the title) is to ask why can’t the survey be overriden in the same way as the “Why did you stuggle to complete the workout?”

Since it sounds like you deleted the original file (the one in which the survey prompt was shown that you want to get rid of), it seems like there’s no way for the TR team to know exactly what conditions triggered the survey. Since they don’t know what conditions were happening, they can’t reproduce it. Since they can’t reproduce it, they won’t be able to change the code to stop the behavior you’re asking about.

Could you do this again, but leave the original file in the account? Then the team could at least diagnose exactly what happened. Because the original file doesn’t exist, they’re just speculating.

Trainer Road won’t allow the original to be uploaded. It pops up an error “Trainer Road Activity”. Can I email it?

@timdave13, you can’t upload it because we don’t allow duplicates.

Regardless, I don’t need the file. Plus we got it on the back end since it was a TR ride :slight_smile:

The survey cannot be overridden the same way as when you get a “Why did you struggle to complete the workout" because there isn’t an “I did not struggle" option for Cut Short.

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