What workout did you do today? (2020, part 1)

Hi, I’m trying to do all my intervals outside. So today I did 6x3 VO2 max and improved my FTP from 260 to 268.



and it’s delicious

i was visiting mexico recently and they use these solid chunks of unrefined sugar, called panela. Sort of like jaggery where the crystals and the molasses are intermixed. I don’t put it in my coffee–i prefer the natural sugar of milk–but i would eat small chunks of it straight up just for the flavor.

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I like trainerroad, but overall i prefer the UX and ecosystem of Sufferfest. The 4DP has its issues but for me it is better than setting everything based on one number (FTP).

that said, i really hope they put in a power match feature soon. I ended up having to do today’s workout in slope mode because the trainer went out of calibration since last session, so it would have put me under all my targets. was able to do it, but, these were supposed to be over/unders and they ended up being mostly substantially over!

Wasn’t your FTP in the 150s like… recently? Damn! :smiley:

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I upgraded my trainer, there was some disagreement about the definition of a watt :joy:


That’s awesome though!

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Did this workout and completed two stage5’s of TOW, joined 1km late on first attempt so decided to queue and do it again.
Happy with first half of the workout, second half, couldn’t face that last block of microbursts…its like they never end. So settled on a final block of tempo to take me to the finish line.
Some easier sessions to look forward too over next couple of days :slight_smile:


Sunny, cool and breezy in the UK - working from home so had time to squeeze in 44 tempo miles in 2:07 - we’re all riding on our own of course and I followed the advice and stayed near home - fortunately there is a nice 6.5mile loop 3 miles from my house so rode down – did 6 laps and rode back…wore my shorts enjoyed the sun and managed to forget that the world is going to hell in a hand cart at present which was kind of the idea! :grinning:


Same Here. As a result, as I finish up SSB2, I’m going to plug in 2 wks of variations of Spencer. Can’t help but improve. I’ll retest after that.

3x20@95% FTP is quite hard but with added 30s surges at 110% is a real killer:) Legs were fine, no burn, but after 1x60@95% I am quite tired so the last interval was a real challenge. I had a flashback of suffering during Leconte before my eyes.


Donner outside + 2 hours of z2 after . image


Lamarck. I find the Sweet Spot and Threshold work much more palatable than the VO2 work.




Spencer +2 for me today. Still pleased with the result as I finished all the intervals with a 95-98% intensity.


Woohoo! Feeling Great!!


Good old outdoor ride today. Same 20 mile loop I normally do which has a few hills in there and quite fun. There is one place where I have a 18% grade for 0.25 miles. So much fun. :rofl:

Interestingly enough this was the 2nd ride on my new Specialized Tarmac Comp and it was 3 minutes faster than my Emonda alr5 which has better wheels. At some point I will upgrade the Tarmac wheels.


I just set a 90min ‘all time’ power record after having been off the bike for 6 months with a knee injury. I’m so happy I can barely stand it.


Don’t like your FTP? Buy a new trainer!!!

Sounds like bad ad copy.


I don’t know, could backfire :laughing:


Just keep buying new ones until you find one that gives numbers you like. Plus, it makes the economy run, and we all know it needs it (although trainer companies are part of the winners for now).

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Mont Albert

It’s quickly becoming one of my favourite workouts to add into my Low Volume plan.

Opted out of the skills today.
Instead I focused on two things:

  1. drilling the power target (goal of +/- 5 watts)
  2. breathing more actively

I’m happy with the results :+1:t2: