What to do after SSBMVII?

Just finishing up SSBMVII and trying to decide what to do next. I really do not have 90 minutes to commit to the bike during the week at this time in life (which it seems like most of the build plans have on Tuesday and Thursday). Would I be better off repeating the entire SSB plan again, SSBMVII again, or moving into a low volume build and adding in some 1 hour aerobic rides on the off days?

You could do a Low Volume + aerobic ride approach.

Alternatively, if you’re ready for a build phase, you could always look at the Workout Variations of those Tues and Thurs workouts. They usually have versions that are 60mins, 75mins, etc. That way, you’re progressing “properly” (or as recommended) and addressing the same physiological system on those days.



I hadn’t thought about that approach. Thanks for the heads up on that.


I’m just glancing through (for example) Sustained Power Build MV and all those workouts have shorter versions. Might be your best bet.

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