Triathlon plan .. Making up a brick

From a training standpoint, if you can’t get a brick run in (after an indoor bike workout) due to weather, etc… What are thoughts about whether to make up the run later or just skip since its not satisfying the “brick” training benefits?
I won’t have time to do mine tomorrow after a 2:30 bike. And the roads here are complete ice. So I can’t just make the up brick with another workout.

I’ve used a lot of variations on the brick concept. Yes, throughout the training season I will do the traditional 50mi/5 mile, 70mi/7 mile etc brick where I ride on the road, get home, run inside, change quick (I sometimes lay out my gear in a transition bag and time myself) and take off on a run geared up as I would in a race situation (water bottle belt, Base Salt, nutrition etc). That is definitely an essential part of training and probably the best way to simulate race conditions. However, I have found a lot of alternatives to that which work almost as well. One is a multi-day workout, the goal being cumulative fatigue (TR workout Fri, 70-100 mile ride Sat, long run Sunday, or back to back long rides Sat/Sun and long run Mon etc); that gives your body a little recovery overnight, lets you run farther but beats you up a bit less. Another is to do a TR workout (I do mine on a Stages spin bike at the gym), then jump on the treadmill and do a tempo run of some sort (I actually use a motorless treadmill that really concentrates the workout. 3 or 4 miles on that is worth 6-8 on the road). That workout can be squeezed into 90-120 min. Get creative, challenge different energy systems. It will keep you mentally fresh, and it’s all money in the bank for race day

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Brick run “benefits” are pretty overrated IMO, so I wouldn’t worry about missing it. If you can get a run in later in the day and can run longer with better quality than you would have doing it right after the bike I think you’d come out ahead. For me the only real benefit of a brick is time management and getting both done within the same window of time available. There may be benefit for new triathletes who’ve never experienced the feeling, but once you have done it a few times and especially in a race which is going to be different regardless, it’s pretty much like riding a bike… that you just got off of :joy:.


Overall, it probably doesn’t matter for this one training session. If you want to make it up later in the day and it won’t affect the quality of future training sessions, go ahead. If not, it’s extra recovery.

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Unless it’s a very short brick, say 5-20min Run, I would do the Run separately. You still want to be building volume.

I agree with this, I actually run a lot better off the bike so having a brick isn’t as important.

Sorry to jump on to this thread but better than new one.
After some advice on brick workouts. I’m new to this stuff as just started duathalon training.
Tomorrow planning on doing 45 min TR workout then steady 15 min run. How lomg is ‘ok’ between getting off bike and starting running? Time to quickly change shoes and change shorts? Less than 5 mins, more like 2 mins. Does that still keep most of the benefits or is idea more change shoes and 30 secs later your off?

@RobertSims with most things the nearer to the race the nearer to the specifics of the race 5/10min is fine and you’ll still get that running off the bike benifit, in some ways it may allow you to add more quality to your run, in the weeks leading up to your race try and simulate transitions as close as you can, so they’ll be no supprises on race day, all the best

The point is to train the transition and get used to the feeling of running right off the bike. The shorter the transition the better. I usually set up my running shoes and stuff prior to a brick and use it to practice T2 as realistically as possible.

That said, if you need to pee or grab a drink, it’s not the end of the world and you’ll get the gist of the benefit.

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Many thanks as always TR forum ! Will try keep time down!