Taper week leading into B/C event

I need some input on how to dial in a perfect taper week leading into a long race. I feel like TR plans kind of punt on this unless you’re in a specialty phase (which I’m not).

If you have a C or B priority event are you rolling with whatever the plan calls for even if your B/C race happens that week or are you adjusting your plan/week based on the demands of the B/C race?

I’m in Sustained Power Build right now and week 5’s rest week is next week with a scheduled ramp test, however, I have a C priority (training race) on Saturday (4/27) which is during week 6. Even though this isn’t a priority race, this feels like a heavy week leading into a 300 TSS day on Saturday. If I proceed with this week as is I’d be looking at double my avg TSS—I don’t think I’d have legs to derive any real benefit from the race then.

I’ve since adjusted week 6 to look like this, which feels much more palatable. VO2 on Tuesday, supra-threshold on Wednesday, Thursday rest, openers Friday.

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