Sugar Free February 2020

It’s only 4 weeks, give it a shot?

I also suspect this will be much harder than alcohol. The wife just laughed her head off.


It takes me about 3-4 weeks to get over the cravings.

I’ve finally gotten to the place where I can eat oatmeal without having to add butter and sugar (maple syrup) to it. I stir in some nuts, blueberries and hemp milk and I’d even call it tasty now that my tongue is not expecting the sugar.

For those trying this I’d definitely try not to power workouts with gels, candy, or sports drinks. Go 100% real food. If you have a race with fueling requirements then use the gels.

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Day 2.

Dodged a cake that friends brought along, otherwise easy peasy


Today I had these

no regrets

That’d be the honed reflexes of a trained cyclist.

[I’m picturing a thrown cream pie, Keystone Kops/slapstick style - maybe that’s my NetHack addiction though. Do you have a towel?]

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My daughter is literally trying to force Haribo Giant Strawberries into my mouth…but I’m staying strong! I will resist! :sweat_smile:

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Already blaming the kids lol


I am in!
It won’t be super hard because all the sugar what I eat a day is about 2 cookies or something, but anyway it would be great to get rid of it :slight_smile: :dancer:

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I have been off sugar for several years now only using when need for racing etc, but have found this to hard on the stomach so had to go all in and train my gut again to consume sugar during a race. Now this has started rolling into the recovery drink etc… Not good as i started putting on weight because cause of the additional kj. Going cold turkey today! no more sugar even lactose a forgotten form of sugar!

Okay, I’ve been refusing biscuits repeatedly offered, doing well on the whole but then ordered apple crumble and custard last night.

It didn’t feel like cheating, but it’s a dessert so I feel the need to confess! :flushed:

Hows everyone else doing?

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Nice work!

I’ve been strong now for already a week. Last thing I’ve skipped was dark chocolade that a friend offered.

Overall I find it’s pretty easy for me as I didn’t eat much added sugar to begin with, but I am achieving what I looked for: more awareness!

Keep it up guys

I don’t think I could EVER say no to a nice bit of crumble and custard. Thanks for sending me down that food craving rabbit hole :upside_down_face:


Trying to cut out added sugar this month too, been doing well even though my wife has so far brought home sugary treats twice and I normally binge on junk whilst watching the Super Bowl.
The hardest thing for me is the convenience of breakfast cereals in the morning, porridge oats takes a bit too long for me and overnight oats I would normally make using protein powder that is filled with sugar. Experimenting with different overnight oat recipes to combat.
I’m not a massive sweet tooth anyway but wanted to see if I could do this, now if I could kick my crisp ( chips in the USA) habit then I may get somewhere …


Day #9

Well I’ve broken the seal on alcohol - a beer last night was meh, but I am enjoying the first nice glass of wine in ages.


But all good on the sugar front! :grinning::+1:


Me too, I failed after day 2 - the girls offered me some sweets, haha!

I’m still alcohol-free for several months so we can’t all achieve everyting, can we?! :rofl:

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Ref my previous post above, my goodness, that Viognier looks good, I am really missing a decent glass of wine…I’ll just have to have another jelly baby instead! :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face:


Save it - it really is so much better after abstinence, and don’t waste it on a crappy pint of cheap lager get a decent bottle in. I just didn’t have an occasion or any good friends to share it with :cry:. Will be dry again until I do. :smirk:

How’s everyone doing?

I appear to be finally shifting some excess body fat.

Truly hard to resist the muffins left out in the kitchen this morning! :weary:


Almost through folk!

I’ve been doing well and will continue doing it I think.
It has been so easy to have a categorical answer to offered sweets cakes etc.

I had to laugh a little bit at myself when I was stressing out over a bit of jam that I found on a cheese sandwich i bought during train travel. :upside_down_face:

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Well done!

It’s been much harder than dry January and I’ve cracked a few times - including honey today on my pancakes (late pancake day for the kids), biscuits and chocs last weekend.

On the whole I’ve been much better behaved and my body weight has dipped accordingly :slight_smile: