Strength training trigger yellow and red days automatically

Good morning, on a master plan, and as soon as I schedule strenght training, it triggers yellow days and adaptation. My TSS is very low and I feel that I am limited to cycling. Any thoughts?

Just ignore the adaptions until you’ve got a bit more TSS under your belt. If you’re tired one day use them but it’ll learn your average levels and stop thinking you’re tired pretty soon.

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Hey there,

I’d recommend something along the lines of what @firemunki was saying above – don’t totally ignore warnings you may receive from Red Light Green Light, but if you get a yellow day, for example, and you feel fine to continue on, you can do so with caution. :slight_smile:

If you do feel fatigue that lines up with RLGL warnings, then I’d say you should definitely rest up. If you feel good to push, though, I’d say go for it! Over time, Adaptive Training and RLGL will continue to learn what you’re capable of doing and dial in your training plan accordingly.


Will do, I will slowly ramp up volume, and see the effect. Thanks all for the help

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Thanks for this, I’ve been accepting every adaptation by default and even cancelled a 4hr ride due to a red day being triggered. If it happens again and I’m feeling fine I’m going to just keep pushing. I also see a setting in the app for “Training Approach” and mine is set to Balanced, I’ve been considering pushing this up to Aggressive but not sure what that means - more intensity, more time, both?