Hi all, tried to find this in an old post but could not.
I am starting to get 2x a week strength training into my routine. Today, for example I did 24 total sets of various upper body, lower body, core and full body exercises. Automatically TR sets tomorrow to Red from nothing. Now I get that a tough workout is nothing to scoff at, but I’m not sure how accurate this is. I was red Tuesday after my first workout and still got through a 4.6 VO2max workout.
Anyone have experience with this or thoughts? Should I follow RL/GL to the tee? Am I just being a meat head? LOL. Threshold tomorrow so I guess that may be tough if I am too sore in the legs. Would appreciate any info here.
When the strength stuff was first released, Nate said all sets should be taken to failure, and to not include sets that weren’t. That could be part of it if you didn’t.
I switched up my strength training program to something with about 24 sets per session and initially RLGL set the next day to red every time (most of these sets are with 1-2 reps in reserve, I don’t really believe in taking things to failure but not going to get into that here). I’ve been strength training on and off for a long time and am generally familiar with how my body handles things so I ignored the red light and would sometimes do a hard workout the next day (and get another red light). After two weeks of doing this, my next day after a strength session is yellow now (which is where I think it should be) so it does adjust after a bit!
Thanks. I was wondering if it would adjust after a while and this was just an initial breakin period. I’m with you regarding training. I generally do most of my sets with a few in the tank as well. Training to failure as you say is a long topic but generally not the best practice for most of the population.