Post Your Strength Training Routines

I do two full body workouts a week utilising supersets, either on hard riding days, or days off so long as the next day is an easy/rest day. Each workout takes around 45 mins, and I do 10 minutes of core work at the end of each workout (side planks with rotations, leg lifts, etc).

Workout 1:

A1 - Bulgarian Split Squats 3x6-8
A2 - One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3x8
B1 - Deadlift 3 x 6-8
B2 - Dumbbell Bench Press 3x8
C1 - Overhead Press 3x8
C2 - Pull Ups 3 x AMRAP

Workout 2:

A1 - Back Squat - 3x6
A2 - One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3x8
B1 - Dumbbell RDL 3x8
B2 - Bench Press 3x8
C1 - Single Leg RDL 3x8
C2 - Pull Ups - 3 x AMRAP


I hit that ceiling and to achieve what I want in 30-35 minutes Iā€™m now doing a split session:

Session A
Squat 5x5 [main focus, the rest can be optional if time or energy crunched]
Bench Press 3x5
Back Extension 3x8
Pull ups

Sessions B
Deadlift 5x5 [main focus, the rest can be optional if time or energy crunched]
Shoulder press 3x8
Step ups [holding weights] 3x8 per leg


Wanted to add this and mention that I have changed up my routine to follow Greyskull LP instead of StrongLifts. I donā€™t believe Greyskull has been mentioned here yet. Just like the SL app, I use the Greyskull app.

The main reason for the change is volume. I found my legs getting demolished squatting 3x a week doing 5x5. With Greyskull squatting 2x and doing 3x5 my legs are still hurting but much better for hitting my TR workouts.


My strength training is always changing, I follow a more traditional way of lifting weights. It does include the the ā€œbig 5ā€ squats, deadlift, pull up, bench and shoulder press. The exercises, sets and reps are always changing, itā€™s a periodized plan. An example 3 month plan sometimes goes like; 1-3 sets 15-20 reps with 90 sec rest ; then 3-5 sets 6-12 reps with 60 sec rest and 4-6 sets with 1-5 reps and 3-5 minute rest. Thatā€™s just a basic layout but it works for me.
I like feeling a little strong just for whatever life throws at me and I also thoroughly enjoy weight lifting, but
I love bikes more.
The latest podcast was great info to get someone started who is new to strength training, imo. I donā€™t want to sound like Iā€™m knocking it! It also had great insight and tips for an experienced lifter!

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Am giving a modified version of PHUL a try for 12 weeks.

Had been doing Candito the last few winters and decided to change it up. Considered the normal programs (5/3/1, WS4SB, Greyskull, et al). Liked the basic four day split of PHUL, and swapped out some lifts for alternatives to better suit available equipment.

First winter in several years where Iā€™m all in on legs as well as upper. Eased into it with a month of body weight and light weight work trying to adapt and avoid severe DOMS. So far so good but started light in when one of PHUL.

In addition to the 4 days of lifting, getting rides in 3-4 times a week as well. Just endurance or endurance with a small amount of stuff.

Will report back in April !!!

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You can adjust this I. The SL app to only do 3x5. Iā€™m with you. 5x5 is a little much.

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The past 2-3 months my lifting has been:
Day 1:

  • Snatch Pull
    ā€“ Build to set of 3 at RPE 6-7
  • Back Squat
    ā€“3x5 at RPE 7-8
  • Seated OHP
    ā€“ 3x8 RPE 6-7
  • Barbell Row
    ā€“ 3x8 RPE 6-7
  • RDL
    ā€“ 3x8 RPE 6-7
  • Core

Day 2: (reps and RPE targets are basically the same)

  • Clean Pull
  • Deadlift
  • Bench
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Pull up
  • Core

Iā€™ve done 531 and stuff like that in the past but with bike racing being my main focus I didnā€™t want that strict of a progression since I wanted to be able to easily adjust weights based on fatigue or bike workout intensities. I did several years of Olympic Lifting so I like including those but unfortunately the low ceiling in my basement doesnā€™t allow for any full overhead lifts.


I split Upper/Lower and hit each 2x/week, usually one geared towards strength, and the other more so hypertrophy or strength endurance. Lower gets tacked on to hard bike days and upper on easy days. Starting in the fall, itā€™s a nice break and I might swap in some running instead of riding. Cycling volume/intensity increasing during base/build typically necessitates strength training feathering out in the opposite direction- decreased sets, and/or lower weight, maybe more rest between sets, etc. Lower workouts get much more targeted towards being complimentary to the bike work of the day, and the upper body work takes a back seat and turns towards maintenance. Sometimes it just feels good to do something on a rest/easy day, and I havenā€™t found it compromises the legsā€™ recovery by doing some upper body work and leaning a little harder into core that day. By January is looks something like this:

Upper&Core. A.
3 sets for Warm-up increasing weight. DB Overhead Press 3x24/18/12 -Supersetted- DB Front/Side Laterals 3x16 -SS- 2ā€™Planks.
3x6 reps Hang Clean and Press -SS- 2ā€™Planks
3x8 Weighted Dips -SS- Weighted Pullups -SS- DB Leg Lifts x16.
3x10 Spiderman Pushups -SS- Renegade Rows
3x12 Incline DB Press -SS- Renegade Rows -SS- Decline Weighted Situps

Lower. A.
Squats. 3 sets for Warm-up increasing weightā€¦ 3x15/10/5. Squat 3-5 sets x5.
-SS- Calf Raises x5 sets.
Deadlifts. 3x10.
LegPress 3x15.
Walking Lunges 3x20 strides. -SS- Oblique Situps.

Upper&Core. B.
10 Rounds: Pushups -SS- Pullups -SS- Planks (any variations of these- i.e. diamond pushups, chin-ups , side planks/roll-outs).
ā€¦ORā€¦ something likeā€¦
BB Bench -SS- BB Row 5x10.
3x Pullups -SS- Pushups.
DB Overhead Press. 3x10.
Upright Rows/Laterals. 3x16.

Lower. B.
3-5x8-12 SplitSquats.
4x25 Goblet Squats -SS- DB Deadlifts.


Anyone here used the Bike Body: Strength Program from SoCalBikePT/the ā€˜glutedoperā€™? :smiley:

Been having a few lower back issues lately that havenā€™t gotten better with Foundation training, so looking at alternatives

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Has anyone here changed their strength training routines based on Chadā€™s recent suggestions regarding low weight/high rep work?

Sort of. I started Dialed Healthā€™s Road Routine about four weeks ago but have done more reps at lower weight than he recommends, 12-15 instead of 10 reps for most exercises.

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How are you finding the DH plan so far? I like his content.

I like it a lot, primarily because it is more whole body than what I had been doing before.

Previously I had been doing the P90X upper body routines. These can be killer sessions with 24-30 exercises per workout, plus abs and some things from my physical therapist.

However, after doing the FasCat 10-Week Lifting Program I realized I was neglecting my legs (cycling and running are NOT the same as lifting).

DH routines typically include a warmup (which happens to align with my PT exercises); 4 sets that include one lower body, 2-3 upper body, and abs each time through; and cool down. The whole routine takes me less than an hour.

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Iā€™ve been using Dialed health and I like it a lot. I was previously doing Strong Lifts. Definite change as I havenā€™t done higher reps in a very long time. I am curious if the plans ever get updated on there? My plan is to basically or eventually run through them all

Been training most of my life (58 years old). Competed in natural body building in my early 20ā€™s, was a certified personal trainer, been a DC since 1997. I used to coach for Beach Body. Entered Body For Life years ago. By far what has given me the best results and what I have enjoyed the most is what I have been doing for the last year. I am a hard gainer and I have been able to put on some good size using Basement Beast. It uses resistance bands although he just came out with a dumbbell program. Four days a week with 20 minutes each workout. Best training I have ever done. There are numerous different programs based on your goals. Everyone starts off though with the 12 week transformation. Never thought I would ever train without weights but I am totally sold on the way this program is designed.

Iā€™m currently doing a modified 40 Workout Strength Challenge by Dan John.

Itā€™s pretty simple. Pick 1 exercise for each category.

  • Push: (i.e. military press, bench press, etc)
  • Pull: (deadlift, pull up, etc
  • Hinge: (kb swings, Romanian Deadlifts)
  • Squat: (Goblet, high bar, low bar etc)
  • Loaded Carry: (Farmerā€™s walks)

Do 2 work sets of 5 reps (1-2 sets of warm up). Weight is set by RPE. RPE is 7 max; you could do 3 more reps with the weight but no more. Donā€™t plan the weight for the day, just go by feel. Some days youā€™ll only do light weights. Others youā€™ll experience a breakthrough and push further than expected.

Ideally, lift between 4-5x a week; try do do this daily. The stress comes from consistency and frequency rather than from super heavy weights. Typical workout length is between 35-45 minutes (depending how quick you go)

Do this workout 40x straight; 40 days where you do this workout. Take a deload week after you are done and then do something else if you want.

Iā€™ve had good results from this plan. It has its allowed me to get back to strength training slowly and to do so while emphasizing good technique and consistency. Iā€™ve taken my squat from the bar to 92.5 (kg), my deadlift from 60 to 125, and my military press from the bar to 50kg in roughly 2-3 months. No injuries so far because I havenā€™t been pushing the intensity too hard.

Hereā€™s a link:


push variation
pull variation
squat variation
deadlift variation


3x a week
Mondays (Off the bike day)
Upper Body
Bench 3x5x3
Shoulder Press 3x10x3
Dip 3x10x3
DB Flies or Incline Bench 3x10x3

Wedenesday (Day After Key Bike workout 1)
Squat 3x5x3
Bolgarian Split Squat 3x10x3
Weighted Step ups 3x10x3

Friday (Day After key Bike workout 2)
Deadlift 3x5x3
Pull Up 3x~7x4 (so hard!)
Bent over Row or Pendlay Row 3x10x3
KB Swing 50x2

In december I started this with very little weight trying to focus on re-learning the movements and patterns. Also DOMs. In january I began to go from 5 reps per set to 3 than to a heavy single before taking a deload week. I always plan to have the deload and rest weeks on the bike match. Now in February I am keeping the rep scheme and schedule but lowering the weight to ~80% or so of the highest numbers in January and incoprating more core stuff. Core Stuff=all that fun stuff we see the pros doing on IG.

I am finding I am enjoying these days more than my sweet spot days. Feedback welcomed!

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What is your current strength program? I also had great results with Candito.

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Currently doing a modified P.H.U.L. four-day per week program. With Z2 trainer rides as they fit in.

Modified as I selected movements I enjoy and which made good use of our gym gear. Four days a week gym is not enough riding though. End of February am going to move to a three workouts per week whole body split and four workouts a week solid Z2 / LT1.

The Johnny C. programs are solid. Found through experimentation that I need a bit more volume to move my bench up. Just track bench as its fun and I have delusions of doing a 225 pound bench again someday.