Missing a week in Base Phase due to holiday

I want to start on the 6 week Base Phase this month but I will need to miss a week since I will be on vacation starting October 20th. Does anyone have a recommendation as to what I should do when I return from vacation? I think I should go back a couple of weeks in the training plan when I return and go from there(?) Thoughts?

If your staying in a hotel is there a gym? Can you run of a morning?
If its only a week, can you add in an extra session or two the week before, to build fitness, use that week as recovery, when you come back you will be close to where you left before vaca.

Me and a friend are driving across the country so most of the time we will be in the car. I can’t run due to a herniated disk from many years ago. Cycling is no problem…

You should be fine with a week off. It’s base phase, just pick up where you leave off.

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If you miss a week, not a problem. Continue with where you left. If you miss two weeks, then repeat the last week that you have done.

You will be OK.

I’m sure that a similar topic was discussed recently in the Podcast. The guys all seemed to agree that if you mentally let go of the stress that you’re not training and simply enjoyed your holiday, more often than not, you’ll get back to it in great shape. You’ve almost certainly totally recovered and you’re ready to hit it again.

I’d start off low though. If the first workout back is threshold or above, I’d knock it back tempo, just to get the legs back in the game.