Mid volume 4 workouts/ week

do all mid volume plans consist of 5 workouts/ week? 4 workouts would be better for me so I can keep up running volume as well without interference to work and family. If not, how should I go about deleting 1 workout/ week. Or would it be better to go low volume and then add 1 workout.

Just skip/delete the easy Wednesday endurance workout. You’ve then got 4 solid workouts. Maybe even better to swap the Sunday SS for the recommended longer endurance ride on Sunday (in the weekly tips)

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Skip the second workout (easy endurance) or just go Low Volume + 1 TrainNow or Low Volume + Weekend Ride.

To get Adaptive Training to work currently rather than swapping, TR support recommended that I do the LV thing (with 3 trainer rides) and augment with TN or social rides when they arise.

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