I ❤️CARBS! (and so should you!)

I do all my training during the week at 04.30. I adjust my carbs the night before in relation to the intensity the intervals I’ll be doing the next day. During the workout I take in a minimum of half the calories burned during the ride. For threshold intervals I’ll eat a banana just before I get on the bike. I do my VO2max on Saturdays in order to eat a proper meal 3 hours before the workout. In regards to your concerns about weight gain, just keep your calories in check throughout the day.

Yep - looks like it.

Reminds me - I need to find that stage somewhere on YouTube and watch it during my next trainer ride. That was one of the most impressive stages I’ve seen in a grand tour.

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To be fair, I just shift my day forward. I’m in bed by 20.30 - 21.00. On lazy days I’ll start at 5.00 :grin: The other option would be to train when my kids have gone to bed(which I was doing for 3 years), but I don’t sleep as well after a hard session.

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Thanks @Captain_Doughnutman i think I’m mixing up protein and fat… ammonia/acetone smell…
Not a heavy guy, but definitely not without fat :smiley:

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@Captain_Doughnutman, thanks for posting this.

I was scheduled to do a ramp test yesterday and did not do well. After the ramp test I did Tunnabora -1 at 105% intensity with a 9 minute threshold kicker at the end. I thought the ramp test was borked until I realized something.

About an hour before the ramp test I ate two fig bars and a honey stinger waffle, total of 77g carbs. When I started the ramp test I drank about 31g carbs. I believe I didn’t give enough time for my body to start processing the carbs before I did the ramp test. My belief is based on the fact that I breezed through the following workout and my RPE was probably 6/10.

I’m going to start my fueling 2 hours before my workout to see if this sticks.

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I ate the 77g of carbs about an hour before starting the ramp test. Then when I got on the bike, I drank approximately 31g of carbs in the form of a Skratch mix. I feel like the carbs didn’t actually start hitting my system until 1.5 hours after I first started fueling.

I also heard on a number of podcasts that your body can absorb more carbs if they’re split between different types, e.g. fructose and sucrose.

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Is it only me that is really bothered with color coding discrepancy between table and legend? :smiley:

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Oh yes! Maple bar with bacon is exquisite.


Finishing off the 3lb bag of broccoli we bought on Sunday and looking forward to leftover carbs!

Next up: Sweet Potato & Black Bean Quinoa Bake


The guys on the pod cast have covered this a number times TRusername everybody is different Jonathan needs to eat 3 hours before Coach Chad only needs 20mins Nate just eats ongoing. you also need to remember your body cant process sugars with out water a ratio 1 to 4 as this is how the glycogen is transported and stored in the liver and muscles this was cover in the last pad cast with Carb Cycling

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Uuuuhhhh…that’s exactly what I had for dinner! :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

This self-isolation stuff is really starting to freak me out!!!

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@Berggeiss i am the same up at 4 and on the trainer in 30-40min after a bowl of quick oats and a banana

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how was your recovery? i found that i would just eat everything after the ride and hence not good for the BMI.

Just respecting portion control and cranking up the burn - lost over 4lbs in six weeks. Right on track :+1:t3:


Yes I know the feeling with the isolation I found myself on a high volume plan and fueling has become everything. My weight remains stable 89kg and the numbers are going up +800 TSS last week probably the same + more this week 2 weeks and a then a ramp test truth.

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that ride was actually on Saturday of 3rd loading week, did another 150 TSS on Sunday. Ended that week at 717 TSS / 11.5 hours / 6500 calorie burn. Followed that last week with regeneration at 7 hours / 418 TSS / 4000 calorie burn. Feeling stronger every day, taking it one day at a time. The sweet spot build continues while slowly dropping weight, still a long ways to hit my 2020 target of 88kg. The best part of social distancing is that I don’t have to feel guilty doing so many solo rides :+1:t3: Seeing a lot of riders I know outside :call_me_hand: :wave: :biking_man:


Hear ya, it’s a slow burn but will happen eventually. I went from 85 to 70kg through normal getting fit, then when beasting TR and the carbs, it dropped to 66kg, and still changing. That meal, along with oats, are my staple!


THANK YOU CAPTAIN DONUT! Yesterday I tried fueling a Sweetspot workout, Donner with 3x12 minutes at 95-99% ftp. I injested 60g of carbs during the 1 hour workout. Yes, I felt marginally stronger. But after the workout i felt much better. I’m usually destroyed after a hard effort like that. This is purely anadotal but I think I will incorporate 30-60 g of carbs in my workouts. Previously, I would not fuel a workout <60mins. When I did fuel, I would take in only 20 g of carbs.


I am fully converted!

had JUNCTION -1 this morning. i think this would have crushed me 2 months ago.

I think i nailed it…even finished every micro interval almost perfectly to the end.
I fuel every recovery interval during the winning intervals with chocolate and red seedless grapes weird I know, but my bananas where finished :frowning: but i would do it again in a heart beat. The chocolate thing came to me as a way to fuel as when i was a child i would help hand out drinks at the local marathon and i saw one of the lead runners take out chocolate and eat it with his half cup of coke.


Yes @iamholland @bbarrera this is an issue! Same thing happened to me went from 85kg to 89kg (20% fat according to the DXA scan) in a couple of weeks February this year. I had upped my carb intake but done nothing to my daily calorie intake.
We have to eat more healthy food carbs and reduce fats like milk, oil etc and even watch the protein i am reading the endurance diet by Matt Fitzgerald. I have since then remained at this weight and hoping this will reduce as the racing starts again hoping end of next month here in Australia.

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