How do you get 10+ hours to train?

Don’t have kids.
Don’t work more hours than you are meant to.
Minimise commute.
Rent so house maintenance is minimal.
Don’t go away on the weekend.
Don’t be too social.
Cut responsibilities.

Reading these comments i guess I’m quite lucky. I have desk job that requires me to work 40 hours a week. My commute when I’m not working from home is 5 mins.
This leaves me with 3 time slots on weekdays per day. Roughly 7.00 till 8.00, 12.00 Till 13.00 and 18.00 till 19:30. One of them generally i need to walk the dog and one is my evening where i can do what i want. 4/5 hour group ride on Saturday morning. Longish run on Sunday.
Looking at this template i should be able to train closer to 20 hours per week but i don’t because i don’t like waking up so early :joy: