Giving thanks to TR

With a moment’s reflection I just thought I would say thanks to everyone at TrainerRoad for a fantastic product. I really appreciate all the great work that makes getting faster as simple and productive as it can be (and I’m sure there’s lot of work going on behind the scenes that I’m not aware of too).

In a longer explanation, I am one of the ‘budget’ users without a smart trainer or power meter, so I am very grateful for the Virtual Power option. I’m also grateful for the grandfathering that has helped me keep costs down. I recently had problems with my old iPad and the Support desk quickly worked out the problem and got me training again.

So thanks again, much appreciated :clap: :clap: :clap:

I know it should be Thanksgiving but I’m in UK so that doesn’t really work for me :slight_smile:


I’d like to second this. For my first several years on TR only used Virtual Power and still have to resort to it at times. In a world that expects rapid and constant uptake of new tech, it’s so nice that the TR crew keeps this going. They were even nice enough to make custom VP profiles for my rollers.

I’d also like to thank the TR crew for all the work that’s gone into the new Adaptive Training/Learning modules. This work has rekindled my love for TR. At more than one point in my TR career I have had to take time off from it due to the increasing mental toll of the training plans. At one point I even considered quitting completely. There was just not enough variety for me and I felt that I was just barely surviving each workout only to be rewarded by a harder one. I would feel dread before most of my rides. Granted, I never expected TR to be fun, but I didn’t expect/want to have to pour the whole days’ energy into each workout.

Now, I don’t stress about this anymore. I believe the AT software when it tells me that I can complete a workout and just go and try my best to do it. When it is wrong it adjusts my plan and I get something more manageable next time. I now feel like I can progress at my own rate rather than feeling terrible about myself for not being able to progress according to what the generic training plans say I should. This has been so liberating for me.

Great work TR crew, and thank you again.


Love so much to hear this, and super grateful that you all are willing to share your experience (and stoke!) for what we’re doing here. :star2:


I don’t think TR has any idea how many ambassadors they have out there. I’ve personally brought at least 20 people to try TR, maybe more. I post about my rides, AT, Train Now, things I learned from the podcast or the forums, the quality of the support team, etc., ALL THE TIME and have been doing so for a few years now. I still don’t understand the resistance to selling shirts, hats, mugs, stickers, etc., but i would absolutely love to go to the bike shop in whatever city I’m traveling to and run into other people in TR gear. A lot of us don’t just like TR, we love it. That doesn’t mean there will never be criticism or wants, but in general, it’s just a fantastic product and team. Thank you all!


I’d like to go the other way and not thanking them for fuelling my cycling addiction (one pair of powermeters and direct drive trainer later) ahhaha

Honestly, everyone i know is on zwift and i can’t be bothered. I keep trying it, i dont like it, but i love the simplicity and the approach trainerroad provides <3