Feature suggestion calendar - Copy & Paste weeks of training plans

I really love the calendar feature, it makes training and organizing my life around the training (or the other way around?) much easier. However I recently had to fill a couple of weeks that I left open between blocks as contingency for illness or other disruptions. Turns out I did not need those, but now I had to copy/paste two weeks of a maintenance plan manually into my calendar. Kinda clumsy navigating to the plan, then back to the calendar for each workout.

Is there an easier way to do this? If not, please add a function to your backlog that allows users to add any subset of workouts from a plan to the calendar at once?

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You can already do this. Click on the 3-dots at the end of the week. Here is a sample from mobile access to the web calendar.

Here is the official support page.

And I recommend reading all the Calendar articles for any other tools you may be missing.


I think OP means copy a week directly from a training plan (that’s not already on the calendar) to an arbitrary week on the calendar.

I see. That is a planned function they are already developing.

The workaround for now is to add the desired plan late in your calendar (to not overlap any existing stuff. Then copy the desired week(s) as needed to the proper weeks. Then delete the plan after completing all copy needs.

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Yea exactly, I meant it as @ellotheth stated. Thanks for your replies, the workaround will do just fine for now!

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