Creatine Side Effects is it for Everyone

I stopped using it. Chad talks about the benefits for endurance athletes on one of the podcasts and he basically says it is only useful in a sprint. And it might be a single sprint but I might be wrong. So you get one shot. You might use up its benefits halfway through a ride or race.
I’m not a sprinter so there is no point for me to take it. On top of that, they raise the question, Is it worth it to take it given the added weight you gain from using it for the bit of power it gives you in a sprint? The added weight is something you have to carry for the entirety of a 4 hour ride, if you didn’t have that additional weight wouldn’t you come to the sprint a bit fresher and your wattage perhaps be the same?

Someone just said they gain 5-6 pounds when they are using it. That is massive. If you are an endurance cyclist there doesn’t seem to be any benefit. That’s a lot of additional weight to drag around for a ride.

I should say that I have no idea if it was the creatine that was causing my legs to feel pumped but I haven’t experienced that sensation since. Not once this winter on the trainer and that’s where I was experiencing it the first time around.

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