Bring back Push / Pull / Delete weeks [Feature Request]

[For those without an “A” event on their calendar, extend their current block equal to the time off/injury/illness amount. Then push all other blocks out accordingly.


  1. You’re on week 2 of General Build (8 week plan)
  2. You schedule time off for all of week 3
  3. General Build is now a 9-week plan and you start your specialty phase 1 week later]

Exactly @Nate_Pearson! That would be the ideal scenario.

Thanks again for taking the time to help us all understand this better. Much appreciated!


That pushing a block out for a week is exactly what I have tried to do in the past with no success. If you have no target date it seems logical to me that it would be good to push the block,out after missing a week.


Thanks! I asked our team how hard this is. Once we know that we can go from there.

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The other thing is: I don’t really do a lot of events. I normally only do:

  • Festive 500 - just a large endurance block
  • 1 week long training camp - COVID has killed this for the last several years
  • 1 - 3 Gran Fondos, but as these are for fun, I don’t necessarily taper for them

So you could probably count me as an enthusiastic cyclist, not a racer. So my overall plan doesn’t have hard, immovable (e.g., race dates) pegs that I’m working around. So if I need to push things out a week, the entire calendar of workouts can just be pushed without worrying about refactoring them - unless the reason for the push (C19 for example) necessitates refactoring the plan

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Ah, so you’re really close to the above plan builder case that JennF has.

I’m trying to think of a solution. Want to move to PM or a call and see what we can come up with?

These things are tough because we have to balance where the engineering hours go and how it impacts everyone. Things always have cascading influence.

Could definitely do a call / Zoom.

I think there are probably two approaches:

  • Bring back the previous push / pull - then the question is just how / when this gets displayed to the user. On this: there is the more elegant solution - if a user has workouts on their calendar, but NOT a plan-builder plan, then they have access to the push/pull “buttons”. Or the less elegant: its under an “Advanced tab” that someone has to enable, with lots of caveats on “use at your own risk, can / will break plan-builder plans”, etc. And it is on the user to use correctly
  • Adapt the current Time-Off / Injury / Illness to non-plan builder workouts on a schedule. The elegant version would be to: ask the user if they want to push-out their entire plan, or “over-write” the workouts for the time period selected for the time-off / injury / illness.

Replied about labels for colours before seeing that Nate has taken for Amber the task of applying a default colour for each. ?better to label the colours?

How is your current plan structured? Did you add a plan without an “A” race? Or make up an “A” race that fit with a standard plan length? If the first, it seems @Nate_Pearson has to go digging. If the second, could you; 1) move your “A” event out a week. 2) add on the time off. Then AT should come up with something that looks like your current plan with a week’s delay.

Apologies for a simplistic view. I am new to AT and haven’t tried or delved into how it deals with plans without A races.

Really impressed with the communication and dialog here.

Thanks to everyone and especially @Nate_Pearson for all these great ideas and the explanation video!

I definitely did the annotation incorrectly!


Similar use case would be for people that want to DIY their own “masters” plan by taking an existing plan and inserting recovery weeks?


  • Take ssb1 (5wk work + 1wk recovery)
  • Push wk3
  • Add recovery/endurance workouts in place of wk3

Great example. I’ve done this before, and it would be a real pain to have to copy paste every single week in the future.

@Nate_Pearson In fact could that be a feature request of its own?

An option like “Insert recovery week” is added to the dialog, there are Low, Medium, High volume options to align with the plans. Choosing one pushes everything down one week and adds the plan “snippet” into the selected week.

It could either drop the workouts on the default days and let the user do their customisation or if you wanted to be clever figure out what the user had customised things to and add them on those days.


I plan everything in TrainingPeaks now. My TR calendar doesn’t show my plan any more because it’s too much effort to keep it in sync.

Neither of these applications have an undo facility. I don’t trust plan builder not to produce something I don’t like (it’s made a mess before), and once I’ve run it, there’s no way back to what I had before. Once bitten, twice shy. If I want to experiment in TrainingPeaks then I can use the push functionality to move all my planned workouts into the far future, play around with the calendar to experiment (I want to see what changing things will do to my CTL and form on the day of my goal event). Then if I like the new plan, I can then commit by deleting the pushed stuff. Or if I don’t, I delete the new stuff and move the original back using pull.


Is there a definitive answer as to whether a Plan Builder plan requires an A event for the notifications function to work? What I’m seeing (with only B events) is that the appropriate time off notations only drop the current workouts; I’m not seeing an future workouts changed.

And interestingly, when I followed the Nate video to see how things worked, when I deleted time off one of the removed workouts didn’t come back (endurance 4.9) but was replaced by a different workout (endurance 5.0). Nate’s demon showed the original workouts being reinstated.

I’m traveling but let’s do a call. PM me your cell and we can text.

We definitely want a “insert recovery” and let people type in the amount.

This can be leveraged by AT and the upcoming red light green light so that we can insert recovery dynamically if we detect you’re getting crispy.


I love this idea so much. So much.

AT might have found a better workout for you. Like a new one could have been created since you added time off.

Or it could have not found an exact match before and did a bit of “closest one at random”.

But yes it should adapt without A races! @IvyAudrain can you test it out on this persons account please?


@Nate_Pearson the support and responsiveness you and the whole team demonstrate is outstanding.

I thought about pinging support but thought the general question about conditions under which annotations are designed to work would inform the whole community.

FYI, the add/delete annotations was within a 2 -minute window so I would be surprised if it was a new workout added to the library.

And I’m happy to work directly with support vs having @IvyAudrain serve as a personal troubleshooter here; no need to duplicate your support function (unless you see this as closely related to her role and you’ll give her a pass on other parts of her day job :wink:)


TOO LATE we’re already looking into it :wink:

Happy to help, I rebuilt a plan for myself with only ‘B’ events and applied Time-Off, deleted it, and allowed Adaptation to see if we are getting expected behavior. Will follow up once we know for sure!