5 week training block before 3 week vacation

I am first year structured plan trainee. No planned events, just to be more fit and enjoy summertime weekends 6-12h medium paced solo rides with less exhaustion. Plan for this winter is Sweetspot > Sustained Power > Century (all HV).

Currently in middle of final week of SSBHV2 and trying to decide what to do during next 5 weeks before going to long vacation in March. According to original plan, SPB first 4wk block fits nicely there. But as I gathered from bits and pieces in this forum, build phase fitness fades quite fast and I might struggle after returning from vacation?

Options as I see them:

  1. Stick to plan and restart SPB from beginning after returning from vacation
  2. Fit TBHV3 there with repeated week 3 to extend it to 5 weeks and start SPB after returning
  3. Repeat 5 weeks of SSBHV2 and start SPB after returning

So, considering long term goal, I’d be thankful for input or alternatives from more experienced cyclists :slight_smile:

You’ll likely be equally exhausted, you’ll just get around faster :wink:

If you don’t have any planned events then I’d hit SPB now and see what Plan Builder says when you get back from the holiday, after a 3 week lay off I’d expect you’ll be revisiting base before moving to build as you’ll have started losing some of your aerobic and muscular endurance.

keep building, don’t stagnate. I would highly advise NOT doing #3. You don’t need more of that, and it can plateau you.

#1 seems reasonable, and then see what the body does after 3 weeks off.

Is there an exercise bike or any way to stay aerobically fit when you’re gone? If so, you’ll bounce back pretty quickly.

Good luck and enjoy the vaca!

Yep, it’ll be active vacation, little hiking and lot of swimming but not much intensity.

But ok, #1 will be it then. I’m curious to taste those feared over-unders i keep reading about :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you guys :bowing_man:

So you’ve just done / are doing exclusively high sweet spot workouts and then you’re looking to move to short power build?
I would probably look to exploit what I’ve just been working on and change it up a bit. If you can, do a week of outside rides, Z2, plenty of distance. 3 weeks of Century plan, followed by another outdoor Z2 week. A good mental break if nothing else.

By SPB meant Sustained Power Build (fixed typos SBP → SPB in original post)

Unfortunately, no outdoor rides here during winters – too cold and snowy. But you’re right, once it gets warmer, i plan my unstructured long outdoor rides in zones prescribed by TR traditional plans. During SSB i always substitute Sunday SS sessions with long less intense sessions given in weekly tips.