When you have multiple hard workouts per week, the recovery in between those workouts is crucial. 2018 Elite XCO World Champion, Kate Courtney, shares how to get the most out of your down time so that you can nail your next hard workout.

When you have multiple hard workouts per week, the recovery in between those workouts is crucial. 2018 Elite XCO World Champion, Kate Courtney, shares how to get the most out of your down time so that you can nail your next hard workout.
The mental work you put into your preparation is as valuable as the physical work. 2018 XCO Elite World Champion, Kate Courtney, shares some insight into her racing head space and what she does to prepare for unexpected challenges in a XC race.
MTB World Champion Kate Courtney joins the podcast to give you the insights to what it takes to be a World Champion including how she builds resilience through mental training, why she uses strength training to get faster, her recovery, nutrition and more in Episode 272 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.