You might need extra water and electrolytes for your indoor workouts. You can make the most of your indoor training sessions by planning your hydration around your sweat rate, and using a fan to assist your body’s evaporative cooling process.

You might need extra water and electrolytes for your indoor workouts. You can make the most of your indoor training sessions by planning your hydration around your sweat rate, and using a fan to assist your body’s evaporative cooling process.
Precision Hydration’s Andy Blow joins the podcast this week to discuss all things hydration, including dealing with muscle cramps, balancing your sodium levels, women’s specific hydration and more in Episode 260 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Andy Blow of Precision Hydration joins us for a deep dive into hydration, sweating, cramping and more. More show notes and discussion in the TrainerRoad Forum. Topics covered in this episode What really causes cramps? How do you accurately test sweat rates? Is it necessary to replace sodium in the mornings? What influence does recent…