Training plan once on the mend from Coronavirus

I am now on the mend from Coronavirus, not hospitalised so feel very lucky. I will not be doing a ramp test for sometime and will build back up very slowly.

My thoughts are this is a good time to measure training based on heart rate rather than power, where I will be doing short training sessions on low aerobic levels, and build up over the next few weeks until I feel that I am able to get back to full training.

What have you done in terms of getting back to training if you have had a respiratory disease?

I’ve recovered from COVID after being symptom free since mid-March. In the first 10 days, i didn’t feel all that great going beyond 30mins of easy riding. Just felt tired overall. In the past 2 weeks though, I’ve felt more motivated and started to push myself again on rides, indoors and outdoors.

I’ve had a pretty big week so far but friends back in Canada and US are doing a group ramp test and I’m joining in regardless. Results will be what they will be - in any case, the workout will be great and I can spend 25min with some friends I miss.

My experience has been pragmatic in its approach. Slow to start, like any return from illness, and then play it as it feels. According to my Xert profile, and on, my FTP has rebounded to where it was at, ~1 month post COVID.


Similar experience here. Was able to train fully 2 weeks after having no symptoms, but likely depends on how hard covid is hitting you. I had relative mild symptoms.

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