Trainerroad with a trainingpeaks plan?

Is it possible to use a trainingpeaks plan with the redlight green light and adaptive software from TR? I used the triathlon plans over the last 6 months but I feel the intensity was a little much. I have a full ironman booked for next August and am thinking of doing a Phil Mosley plan from TP. Would I be able to input the entire plan into TT and use the adaptions and redlight greenlight like a normal TR plan? Thanks!

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Should work just fine :slight_smile: Since TR imports the rides from TP, you should get the Red Light/Green Light etc.

At least I have it visible with TP plans imported (syncs automatically).

Though, I have to manually connect the rides afterwards, otherwise the outside ride won’t automatically “connect” with the planned ride.

If the ride is done inside though, it automatically sees that I have done it.

Hey @naterv11 :slight_smile:

Red Light Green Light will definitely take into account your TrainingPeaks workouts and recommend Yellow/Red Days if it thinks it’s necessary to avoid long term fatigue.

More info here:

However, Adaptive Training won’t work with your TP workouts, as its logic is meant to adapt TrainerRoad Workouts within a TR plan.

More info here:

I see two potential options here:

  1. Try a Low Volume TrainerRoad plan instead and this way you’ll be able to use RLGL and AT.
  2. Follow the Phil Mosley plan from TP and make use of the RLGL feature to guide you on fatigue prevention.