Is it possible to use a trainingpeaks plan with the redlight green light and adaptive software from TR? I used the triathlon plans over the last 6 months but I feel the intensity was a little much. I have a full ironman booked for next August and am thinking of doing a Phil Mosley plan from TP. Would I be able to input the entire plan into TT and use the adaptions and redlight greenlight like a normal TR plan? Thanks!
Should work just fine Since TR imports the rides from TP, you should get the Red Light/Green Light etc.
At least I have it visible with TP plans imported (syncs automatically).
Though, I have to manually connect the rides afterwards, otherwise the outside ride won’t automatically “connect” with the planned ride.
If the ride is done inside though, it automatically sees that I have done it.
Hey @naterv11
Red Light Green Light will definitely take into account your TrainingPeaks workouts and recommend Yellow/Red Days if it thinks it’s necessary to avoid long term fatigue.
More info here:
However, Adaptive Training won’t work with your TP workouts, as its logic is meant to adapt TrainerRoad Workouts within a TR plan.
More info here:
I see two potential options here:
- Try a Low Volume TrainerRoad plan instead and this way you’ll be able to use RLGL and AT.
- Follow the Phil Mosley plan from TP and make use of the RLGL feature to guide you on fatigue prevention.