TrainerRoad Ads in Forum

Seems as though paid users should be able to dismiss them. Either by clicking dismiss takes you to calendar and sets a…. Cookie. Tie the active paid user and forum accounts together. Little ai and key value pairs? I don’t know but I’m
With you if they convert go for it. I imagine adapting every ride isn’t inexpensive.

I have no problem with these ads. They’re relatively unobtrusive. Also, seeing a few ads here and there is a pretty low price to pay for this wonderfully useful free service.

I do wonder if TranerRoad ads on the TrainerRoad forum is going to give y’all much return though. It seems like everyone here is pretty familiar already with the product. Either we’re already users, or have specifically chosen another training strategy. (What are they thinking?!) In any case, I hope it pays off for TR at least a bit.

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Having ads in the forum is fine. But the display of the ads right now looks kind half-baked. The test in them looks kid of blurry because (I think) the resolution of the image being served is too low. And they’re pushed over to the left, leaving a white gap, only at the right edge. Just doesn’t look right to me.

I’m seeing these in Safari on an iPhone, if that matters.

That’s a very good point.

That’s from a pretty budget end of the mobile phone and ad looks a little fuzzy, for want of a better description.

Banner ads typically convert at well under 1%. A better approach would email those non users. You could do dedicated sends and place ads in the weekly summary.

I don’t know if opting into the use of the forum allows TR to email users about anything other than updates on the forum.

Does email convert better?

Running ads on your own platform is much cheaper than running ads on instagram.

The target audience is clearly here.

I’d run the ads and have some long form content. What would be interesting is how AI improved adherence and completion rates of workouts. What is the average increase by demographics. What’s the numbers like for long time users. How many AI FTP detection are used now vs how many still FTP test.

Monetize this bad boy! I wouldn’t mind exclusive discounts from assos or even cheaper black bibs. Or clearer banner ads.

Thanks for the feedback! I’m going to pass this along to the team. Appreciate you! :heart_hands:

That would be a big no-no in many countries unless they opted into marketing emails when they set up their forum account.

That would be an interesting read, and probably get good interaction from users here. Bit like a blog post only here.

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TR has a blog with lots of articles explaining e. g. training fundamentals. I don’t think they have published numbers on consistency, for example, but @Nate_Pearson sometimes mentions them in the podcast. They are quite coy (for perfectly understandable reasons).

If I’m being honest, I’m pretty sure long from is covered by the blog but I just don’t go there! I was thinking about covering the information in multiple places.

Don’t think it’d be too arduous to copy it over to here. Or even link it so discussion can occur.


Thank you yes Of course. Opt in on sign up. And ads in digest emails. The idea is weighing experience and marketing effectiveness.

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But then I’d make the blog more visible in the forums, IMHO that’d be a better ad overall than “Want to gain 50 W on your FTP?”

How would you do that? Other sites allow for comments on the blog, but I could see that becoming, hmmm, polarized on certain issues.

Why? You can increase your FTP without AI. Without Trainerroad. You can buy Chris Carmichael’s book and increase your FTP.

Or you could read and follow Training and Racing with a Power Meter, but that wasn’t my point. My point was that this type of advertisement sounds cheap (“Now with twice as much fresh fruit!”, “Learn how to lose 30 kg in 6 weeks!”), and advertising by drawing people in, exposing them to this community, is much better and much more convincing.


I’d expect to see ads for all types of companies in those spots sooner rather than later. They are legit ads hosted by adbutler when they could have been a static image built into the site that points folks to sign up.

Soon being a paying customer will ‘hide ads’ during your forum experience as an incentive - hence the drive to hide them for current customers vs those without a subscription.

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Active subscriber here. I have no problem with in house ads.

Don’t want to see outside ads because I like how neutral TR is and it means I can trust the info.


Anyone who is annoyed by advertising has long ago found a solution via add blocking/dns sinkholes etc… for those that have not, I’m sure they’re accustomed to advertising in their internet lives…:man_shrugging: