Subbing a Crit for Prescribed Workout

I am currently doing the Sweet Spot Base- High Volume II and I am looking to sub a workout for local crit. It is about an hour ride to the crit, then an hour race, then an hour ride home. The TSS for the day usually hits around 170-180. Should I sub it for the highest TSS workout of the week or am I missing something a bit obvious and I should replace it with something else.

I am aiming for a southern hemisphere cyclocross season, would it be better to slide to the Mid-Volume workout, which has some high-intensity intervals and add the crit to one of the off days to increase the weekly TSS?

I would recommend replacing the closest TSS workout, or one that contains the most similar workload. A lot of our weekend rides are race simulations in later stages of your training plan, and we’ve done that to allow for replacing them with an actual outdoor ride that mimics the demands of the planned workout. You have to be careful about adding workouts to the off days because you could risk overtraining if you’ve never taken on so much training intensity before.

Thanks for the reply, Larry.