Ramp Test or Continue Increasing Progression Levels

I just completed SSB1 and am scheduled to take the ramp test this Tuesday for SSB2. Trying to decide if I should take the ramp test and adjust my ftp, or just continue increasing my progression levels instead.

Here are my levels after SSB1:

Almost all of my workouts have been “easy” or “moderate” for SSB1. Only my most recent Sweet Spot workoutss have been “hard.”

Anyone have any experience with this?

Some context: my current ftp is 242 and I hope to be around 300 by the end of my specialty phase (about 18-20 weeks from now). I went from 242 to 277 last winter without a specialty phase. My main focus is crit racing.

PL does not put your workouts into intended zones, FTP test does (whichever method you prefer).

Let’s say last block increased your FTP 10% but if you don’t test, TR still keeps your old number. Now, if plan prescribes threshold workout, you are actually doing tempo workout instead. Sure, with increasing PL you will get longer intervals and/or shorter rest periods but with tempo zone it has no same effect as with threshold.


Great point. I hadn’t thought of that. With most of my current workouts feeling easy or moderate, and the fact that I often end a workout with the intensity up around 120%, I am wondering if I am even in the correct zones now. Thanks for the reply.

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