Outdoor workouts - Auto progression

Hi all,

Tried searching to see if this has been answered before but i can’t find anything that helps me specifically.

I’m a fan of outdoor workouts, using TR to push the workout to my Garmin 1040.

I understand that the workout should only autostart/advance when there are reps within an interval set eg in the photo below i stole from someone elses autolap question.


Workouts with say a x10 min sweetspot or x2 min vo2 max interval should in theory only start/advance when i press the lap button when i’m at a suitable point in my route to do so. However, i’m having a problem in that I don’t get that option it just autostarts.

Take Mezenc for example - pretty clear on/off intervals not within a set of others (like over/under). When i did it, it was auto starting the intervals ar inopportune times meaning i had to stop pedaling to get round tight corners i would normally press start after

As you can see on intervals 2, 3 and 4 i had to stop pedalling due to the route as it auto started them.

Have i got a setting on that i shouldn’t do? I’ve tried looking on my garmin but i can’t see anything obvious…

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Hey @JCorfield!

Thank you for bringing this up :slight_smile: That workout should have allowed you to use the lap option so we’ve fixed it for you!

Please let me know if there are other workouts where you are encountering the same issue.