Manually add a rest day?

I recently noticed the ability to add a “rest day” as an alternative to a recovery ride.

Is there anyway to manually specify this entry on other days?

Annotate your plan.

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Hey @thomas1,

@HLaB has the right idea here. You can add annotations of different sorts to your calendar to schedule time off at any point during your training plan.

Here are a few other links that might be helpful as well.

Just shout if you have any other questions about any of this! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @HLaB and @eddiegrinwald
Yes, been doing this, however, visually would be nice to keep consistent with the “bed” icon :sweat_smile:


this is good feedback! I’ll pass it along!



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Yes, would be good to just simply be able to click on “add a rest day” from the menu of optional workouts. Why can’t we do this?

I suggested the awhile ago as well. Seeing the ”rest day” makes it feel like it’s part of the training program. Would be great to schedule rest even if you aren’t on a plan as well. And like a workout out can move and delete from the calendar. :+1:t2: