How many people train but don't race (or do 'timed' events)

I am a racer, however this year it may not be in the cards. I have events on my TR calendar but because of the newborn and my work, they may not happen. So, my motivation this year is similar to the non racers.

I went through first baby without any kind of fitness or event or other goal, and it sucked a lot. I just resigned myself to that part of my life being over, at least for a time, and I think the whole family suffered for it. This time, I know competition is probably unrealistic, but I learned that I love the process as much or more than the competition. I think to be successful racing long term that has to be true. The process is the part to really enjoy, and racing is the icing on the cake. So this year, I enjoyed the challenge of SSBMV plans, and the gains I’ve seen in their completion. Working through sustained power build low vol “plus” now and finding it a cathartic break from daddyhood for 30-90min per day.

If you don’t enjoy the process, then change the process. Odds are you’ll race better when you enjoy the time spent preparing to do so. I look forward to racing again, but the process is enjoyable too!

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