Getting fit again after over a year off

I took about 15 months off from cycling. Before the break, I had an FTP of around 265 after training for a year. Now, I think my FTP is around 200-220, but I’m hoping to get back to my previous fitness level quickly.

I’ve booked a cycling holiday for next May, so I’ve got 9 months to get back in shape. I’m willing to focus on indoor training instead of outdoor rides and work on my diet to lose about 10kg (I’ve gained weight and now weigh around 90kg, up from 80kg).

With all this in mind, which plan on TrainerRoad should I go with? Or would I benefit more from a proper coach in my situation? Might feel a pretty lofty goal but would reaching 300 FTP be feasible in this time?

80-100 watts in 9 months would be pretty exceptional, especially considering you haven’t been there before. I’m oldish and did 50 watts (265 → 315) in 11 months on the gran fondo/climbing road race plans.

But if you’re young and you can handle a lot of training stress, there’s no reason you can’t try. The specific plan is kind of irrelevant. Just pick something that fits with your event - climbing road race maybe? But get started quick because you’re on a schedule!

Perhaps the better question is, why 300 watts? Set process goals (train on schedule, eat well, get sleep, get rest, etc.) and the gains will come. Setting an outcome goal makes it way harder to control your training and doesn’t give you a plan.

Good luck! I believe in you!


It’s gonna feel daunting. But it’s definitely doable with the right approach. Since it’s a long while now, you should start with some easy rides and slowly build up your endurance and strength. Do listen to your body and take rest days when needed. stay consistent!

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I always recommend a proper coach if the budget allows. It’s more than just the workouts, it’s a second set of eyes, and can really expand your ability to self coach in the future.


I took 8 months off from cycling but rowed, ran and lifted weights a little - no more than 30 minutes a day.

In four weeks of training I got back 90% of my cycling fitness back.

9 months will give you plenty of time to get back into solid shape! Since you’ve trained before, as @AJS914 said, you’ll gain a lot of your former fitness back quite quickly.

I think the TR plan you go with will depend on your goals. What kind of riding will you be doing during your cycling holiday? You can use Plan Builder to help you get all of those training details figured out. :slight_smile:

It’s tough to know whether or not a 300W FTP will be achievable, but the only way to find out is to start up a plan and stick with it consistently!

Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions as you get back into structured training. :muscle:

300W at 80kg in 9 months sounds ambitious but also achievable. I am rooting for you. Stay consistent, rest more than you think you need to, sleep and eat well and stay consistent.

Youll get back to 265 quickly. Then its the usual slog upward

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I went from Feb '23 until June of this year with no exercise, after 10+ years of averaging 10+ hours a week of running and riding. I was at 260 FTP when i quit. In the 2 months I’ve been back at it, I’ve went from 170ish ftp to 225 ( estimate). I gained more weight than you, about 35 lbs, and I still have about 20lbs to lose. I’m finding the fitness comes back much quicker than the fatass goes away.

I’m no expert but I think that most of slow twitch muscles hang around for a long time so you’ll get back to near 265w soon enough and only the fast twitch stuff will need to be re-developed. Whether you can round it up to 300w in 9 months will depends on your age, genes, motivation, etc but have fun trying :four_leaf_clover:

Has anyone got experience off returning back to cycling after having taken time off to do a different sport (mainly due to an RSI and bad weather)?
I will have taken 6 months off and completely changed my body to a more muscle type with gym and a load of plyometrics but with no aerobic intensity. Would 6 months over winter let me return to normal?