Do you hawk your data?

As a numbers person I am always curious as to the minutiae of my rides. I try to keep it as a curiosity rather than a complex but seriously love to ‘do the numbers’ as Kai would say, and look at all of the data I can get from the system. Who else likes to look at this ride, the last ride, the fitness charts, the route, the elevation, the variability index, the PMC, etc just to see what you can see?


WKO5 and my customized charts :+1:t3:

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What customized charts do you use? I got WKO5 recently and there is so much to learn.

I recently added a “custom charts” feature to Lots of things to look at there.


I modify formulas and create some charts derived from existing charts.

Hi @davidtinker, first, I love your site and what your building. I’m wondering how you created the notations on the training load chart. I’d like to add training phases like you did but can’t figure it out. Thanks!

Tx. You need to add a calendar entry (click the + icon near the dates on the fitness page or click in an empty space on the calendar page). Change the category to “Notes” and make sure it spans several days, then it should show up.

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heck yeah! the data is amazing. Just remember that it’s one tool, and while it know a lot, it only knows what we insert into it. It doesn’t know allll the other things that go into a being a human; oftentimes the words that come out of an athletes mouth are good indicators of where an athlete is at before the program knows. “i’m tired” is one example that jumps out.


I do this A LOT. Especially to watch out for overtraining. I love for that, particularly. I also try to relate my perceived exertion against training load.

I don’t so much these days. I used to spend ages analysing my unstructured training - looking for best efforts for a given time, trying to look at heart rate trends for a given power and duration etc. But I find the beauty of doing structured training for the last two months is that I waste a lot less time now because I just follow the plan - all I do at the end of the rides is check that I hit the targets at the end of a workout target, have a quick look at the heart rate and see how that was against RPE and then I move on.