Decent Youtube Channel for All Things Cycling

I enjoy a lot of the trainer road podcasts. Very informational. I have started up a youtube channel focused around a lot of the same things. Lots of cycling workouts explained, race breakdowns, product reviews, and so on. Just sharing. I would love for people to check it out.


Will do!

Hey Chaz

Good to see you’ve started your own channel. :ok_hand:

Subscribed :+1:

You probably don’t remember; we met briefly in June last year when I was staying in Bass Lake. I ‘missed’ the stop on our ride from Shaver, flying by the Wishon village store at full gas and rode on another few Ks to the dam before Tyler caught me up :rofl: :rofl:

Hope you are doing well and keeping safe during the Lockdown :smiley: :+1:

All the best