At what point does “healthy eating” become an eating disorder?

This might be answered best by looking at how the word disorder is used in a clinical setting.

Disorder – An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions.
Oxford English Dictionary

This is a quote from an article about OCD:
“Looking at disorders in a little more detail, they are physical or mental conditions that disturb the regular or normal functions of everyday activities and day to day life. They can take up a lot of time and complicate the normal functioning of an individual.”

It’s not a clear-cut distinction, but basically if concern over food or eating habits are disrupting your ability to live the life you want, then it might be a disorder.

There is also a dedicated thread on the forum for discussing eating disorders;

Your description does not sound like a disorder to me. You are conscious about how you eat and how it affects your health, and you make decisions accordingly. Nothing necessarily disordered about that.

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