Any tips on instant breakfasts for two week ride with sketchy available food

I’m going on a two week bike trip
, staying in hotels and having our luggage transported from place to place. I just found out that a number of the days have very little decent food available for breakfasts. I was thinking of bringing some powdered substitute. Does anyone have a good suggestion was pridoct to buy.

Not what your looking for probably. I just rode 1600 km. Had a lot of luck buying hardboiled eggs 2 for $1.50 at truck stops. Cooked and packaged. A great staple and a break from sugar.

This oatmeal is good and pretty easy to find. It comes in individual packets and only takes 2:30 in a microwave.

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Overnight oats


If you want powdered/instant substitutes, Huel works well, just bring the resealable bag and a shaker to mix with. Lasts a seriously long time and needs nothing more than a tap for water to prepare and clean up.

Personally I’m a fan of vanilla flavour with a shot of actual coffee (if available). Yes by default a two scoop shake is ~400cal, if you want more then either add more powder and have it thicker, or just make two…

I’ve used it for breakfasts, occasionally lunch, for a few years now, it’s pretty good for an instant, long life, repeatable meal replacement, it wouldn’t be much fun but you could live on that stuff if need be.

No breakfast in the hotel or a couple of hours up the road in the morning?

Instant oats that can be made with hot water from a kettle? Maybe add some dried fruit and chocolate chips etc.

Sort of depends what you’d normally have for breakfast, could also pack tins of beans or rice pudding, if you’re having your luggage transported anyway.

No bakeries or restaurants nearby?

I pack a big ziplock bag of old fashioned oats, if I’m driving, i’ll pack almond milk in a cooler and fruit. I even pack a bowl, spoon and knife. If I’m not driving then I’ll pick up fruit and milk at the airport or a mini -mart. I don’t bother cooking the oats, just pour milk over it and eat it like cereal.