Any new features in the pipeline?

I’ve not been reading the forum for a while, or listened to the more recent podcasts, so I’m a little out of touch with possible developments in TR World…

I’ve the impression there’s been much R&D taking place in the background, but have there been any substantive hints about what’s actually in the feature pipeline?


Some firm news from Nate here on Mobile and Group workouts:

And ongoing discussion / speculation on Masters-oriented plans here:

And Nate’s earlier comments on that subject here:

Plus if you hadn’t had a chance to check them out yet, there are new Android and iOS apps currently in Beta.


Thanks for producing that list. :+1:

Not too much for me there, by the looks of it. I’m interested in the “big one” of seeing more adaptive plans and workouts emerge, and some fruits of the data mining. Perhaps the Masters related functionality will be a step in that direction? All shall become clear in time…


I’ve been playing with Xert for a while now, and the adaptive plans and workouts are really awesome. I’ve stuck with TR in the hopes things will move in this direction. Love the people at TR and the cleanliness of the app, but definitely enjoying the adaptive stuff.