🎉📆🎉 Announcing the New and Improved Calendar! 🎉📆🎉

There is! Click the “quick actions” button in the summary column at the far right.

Looking for some info on why such a small adaptation was sugested (cant find an generic topic just for plan adaptation suggestions and this is to short for a new topic).

I’ve changed my sheduled wo this week from thursday to monday (yesterday). Monday was a no wo day on my plan. Set today as the no wo day and moved the today wo to thursday. Didnt change the wednesday planned wo.
The wo done yesterday was completed with no issue and after completed got this suggestion to change the wednesday wo:

Looking at the new wo suggestion it has the sime time its still an endurance ride and it is quite similar in TSS and IF just a bit more from 31 to 33 TSS and from 0.64 IF up to 0.67 IF.

The thing is that the today workout that I’ve moved to thursday will be a harder workout (sweet spot) and the wo done yesterday due for thursday is an endurance wo. Both with 1h30.

I declined the adaptation because increasing even just a bit the effort on wednesday before my harder wo on thursday might make me be a bit more tired to get the job completly done on thursday.

Did I get this right or should I have sticked with the proposal? :thinking:

Hey there. Adaptive Training is always fine tuning anywhere it can, and for that reason I recommend accepting suggested adaptations. That said, this one was definitely a very small update, and I don’t think those 2 TSS or 0.03 increase in IF will be a dealbreaker either way. I think you’ll be just fine sticking with the originally scheduled workout (and I think you’ll have been good with the adaptation, too.) You’re right that your tougher workout on Thursday will be the most important one to prioritize this week, and if this easier Endurance workout gives you greater confidence going into it, you get my stamp of approval.


This drop-down is greyed-out on my previous weeks. I can’t copy weeks.

Ahh, I see what you mean. On the old calendar you could copy the planned activities from a completed week. I’ll put it on our list of future updates to make the new calendar behave this way, too.


Im sure this is somewhere in the forum but searched for trainnow and didnt get an exact answer from any post I looked around.

Im on a plan. Yesterday diz a sweet spot 1h30 wo. Tomorrow have sheduled a 2h threshold wo and sunday a long (3.5h group ride).

Ou of curiosity pressed trainnow and the suggestion for today that is a no wo day in my plan between two hard days was quite odd. A 2h endurance ride. :thinking:

What ive done yesterday:

Sheduled for my weekend:

I wont do the suggested. It would kill my recovery from yesterday and my chances of getting the tomorrow wo
done at 100%.
Probably will have the day off as planned or no more than 30 minutes z2.
Just trying to understand TN suggestion.

Change the drop down. You asked it for a 2 hour ride, so it gave you one.

Also, your 2 “hard rides” are both pretty low intensity. This is just a guess, but…at .6 IF, that should be a VERY easy ride given the time frame. So, basically, it gave you what you wanted, at what it viewed as a minimum dose.


The key thing to remember here is that by design, TrainNow does not consider the structure of your plan, your plan’s upcoming workouts, or your season goals. It’s there to give you standalone workout suggestions that match your level of fitness, with the “Recommended” label considering your recent training load and current level of fatigue.

You’re seeing a 120 minute workout because you have that duration selected in the dropdown. An endurance workout is recommended because TrainNow likely sees that you’re carrying some fatigue from yesterday’s Sweet Spot workout, but it’s not looking ahead to what your plan has scheduled tomorrow.

This is why TrainNow is fantastic for selecting individual workouts, especially outside of a structured plan. But when you’re working towards a longer-term goal that benefits from strategically placed workouts, day after day and week after week, a training plan is your best bet. And when you’re on a plan, unless you absolutely must add a workout on on off-day (we’ve all been there…) it’s best to defer to what your plan has scheduled, when you can. For you today, that’s rest in preparation for tomorrow!


Great. Understood. Wont count with TN to suggest a wo for some empty day if I feel like doing something Ill pick it my self considering whats done and comes next in my plan.

I have a problem in the new Calendar with dragging & dropping Notes…

  • if you drag a Note from one day (Day A) to a different day (Day B, Day C, …), you cannot then drag it back to the “original” day (Day A): when dragging to Day A, that day does not shade light grey like it should for a valid drop target, and sure enough when you mouse up to release the drop the Note stays where it was (back at Day B, Day C, etc).

Screen recording 2024-12-11 13.09.15

Q: Is the same for other people?

I apologize if this was covered but will the mobile apps see any changes to calendar?

We’re always making improvements to our apps, but this particular update was exclusively to our web-based calendar.


Thank you! Another quick question:

With the older web calendar we were able to switch a block within a training plan to different types (e.g General Build → Polarized Build).

Is that functionality still available within the new calendar any where?

That functionality isn’t available with our recent updates to custom plans. If you’d like to incorporate a polarized or traditional base phase, we still offer the ability to add those blocks individually to your calendar.

Is the ability to incorporate polarized or traditional base phases into custom plans forthcoming?

I’m unsure whether it’s on our current development roadmap, but it is a feature request we’ve heard from athletes and I will reiterate that request to the team.


Thank you. Polarized plans work well for me so it would be great to use them while using the custom plan feature.

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Great to see the copy function for annotations is now available! :slight_smile:


I would also like to see this feature, thanks for reiterating the request!